澳大利亚 上册15单元
1. What are the unique features of the Australian continent?
答:Isolated from other major land masses, Australia‘s distinctive flora and fauna evolved through its long period as an island continent.
2 Discuss the social and cultural values embodied in the Dreaming.讨论社会和文化价值在做梦中的体现
Membership in a particular language group was of great social and cultural significance. Traditionally, languages belong to tracts of country which, in the belief system of the Dreaming, have been put in their places by Dreamtime creator figures.
3. Why does the author say that ‗In most of the languages there is no distinction between the words for ―belief‖,‖law‖ and ―knowledge‖? Do you think it‘s true in your own language?
The sacred creation stories are not only explanations about how the country came to be formed, they also provide principles of how people should live and interact with others, especially with whom they may or may not intermarry.
4. (1)What do you know about Zheng He‘s voyages in the 15th century? (2)Do you think his fleet got to the northern part of Australia? (3)Why?
答:(1)Yes. (2)Yes.