1.需要我们注意的是,过去的成绩并不能帮我们预测未来的表现 It is important to note that past performance alone will not help predict future performance.
2.如果我们保持清醒的头脑,就不会犯大错误,出现问题也容易改正, If we keep clear heads, we shall not commit big mistakes, and when problems emerge, they can be easily put right
It is therefore vital for a company to have the quickest possible information on what the customer is asking for.
Although I would like to do some work during the rest of my life, I wish to fade from the political scene. 5.他被指控三次超速,并被判罪。
He was found guilty on three charges of exceeding the speed limit. 6.他仔细琢磨了所有的信息之后得出了这个符合逻辑的结论。