2. In each of the following sentences you are given two confusable words orexpressions in brackets.
Choose the appropriate one to fill in the blank. Youmay consult a dictionary if necessary.
1) concerned 2) Concerning 3) reject 4) declined 5) unconscious 6) subconscious 7) former 8) preceding 9) raise 10) rise
3. Now match each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese equivalentin Column B. You may
consult a dictionary if necessary.
1) d 2) j 3) k 4) a 5) b 6) h 7) c 8) f 9) l 10) e 11) g 12) i
Task 1: When it is used as a conjunction, “as” can mean “when / while”, “though / although”, “since /
because”, “in the way / manner that”,etc., and it can also be used in a comparative structure. Studythe following sentences and explain the meaning of “as” in eachsentence.
▆ Answers for reference: