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发表于 2019-9-16 09:02:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Book 2 Units 4-5参考答案及部分解析
11-15 BACCB16-20 BBCBC
21-25 BBABA26-30 BACAD
31-35 DAACB36-40 BDGCE
41-45 BACCA46-50 DBDCB
51-55 ADABD56-60 ABCCD
61. flying62. a
63. powerful64. connected
65. to control66. or
67. on / upon68. is provided
69. generally70. be
71. ... left by my parents, said ...
said → saying
72. ... happy and exciting.
exciting → excited
73. ... it is the first ...  is → was
74. ... and salt including.
including → included
75. ... water was boiled ...
boiled → boiling或去掉was
76. Everything went smooth.
smooth → smoothly
77. At the last ...   去掉the
78. ... couldn't wait eat ... wait后加to
79. ... a little difference from ...
difference → different
80. ... cook by me.  me → myself
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Hunter,
I'm delighted to know that you are interested in Chinese calligraphy. I am willing to recommend a good teacher for you.
Mr. Wang, an art teacher in our school, is famous for his handwriting. He has got some prizes for writing the best Chinese characters in our city. Not only can he teach you how to write Chinese characters, but also he can offer you some information about Chinese culture. In addition, Mr. Wang is kind and will be pleased to teach you. You will find him humorous and easy to get along with. He will give you lessons twice a week in his office at weekends.
I hope you will have fun learning Chinese calligraphy.
Li Hua
Book 1 & Book 2 综合检测试题参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CBAAB16-20 CACBA
21-25 BCAAD26-30 BCDCB
31-35 BCADD36-40 CABFD
41-45 ACADB46-50 DCABC
51-55 ABDCB56-60 BDDCA
61. wonders62. which
63. forming64. be taken
65. to66. safety
67. accessible68. slowly
69. a70. to come
71. ... founded a treasure ... founded → found72. ... got dressing ...   dressing → dressed73. ... as fastly as he could. fastly → fast74. ... hurrying out the door.
hurrying → hurried
75. ... wait show ...wait后加to
76. ... none of themselves ...
themselves → them
77. ... follow the map lonely.lonely → alone78. ... approached to the ...去掉to
79. ... filling with food ...filling → filled80. ... Tom learned what ...what → that
One possible version:
Dear Millie,
I'm writing to invite you to take part in the School Art Festival to be held in our school next week.
The School Art Festival will last from August 13 to August 17, when there will be all kinds of activities for us to join in, such as a painting exhibition, a calligraphy competition, a singing contest and a fashion show. Some well-known artists will be invited to our school and give us lectures on how to write with pens and brushes. It's really a great chance for you to learn more about Chinese culture. I sincerely hope you can come.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Book 3 Units 1-2参考答案及部分解析
11-15 ABACA16-20 CCACC
21-25 ACBDA26-30 BCDCC
31-35 CBCBA36-40 DFAGE
41-45 BACCA46-50 DBDCB
51-55 ADABD56-60 ACBCD
61. absolutely62. have been changed
63. to help64. that / which
65. more accurate66. on / upon
67. the68. patients
69. reliable70. saving
71. ... who works at night ...works → work
72. ... street sweepers, and on.on前加so
73. ... I find a part-time ... find → found
74. ... going to the bed. 去掉the
75. ... came home to sleeping.
sleeping → sleep
76. ... was hardly for ...hardly → hard
77. ... felt tiring.tiring → tired
78. ... I'm particular ...
particular → particularly
79. Not only was that ... that → it
80. ... and I also learned ...
去掉and或and → but
One possible version:
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am delighted to learn from your website that some interpreters are wanted to introduce our Science and Technology Museum for foreign visitors at weekends. I am writing to recommend myself.
My advantages are as follows: First, I am good at spoken English and I got first prize in the English Speech Contest in our city last year. Second, I am interested in science and technology. More importantly, I have experience in being a volunteer and I know how to communicate with others. I think I am qualified to be a volunteer. I hope you will consider my application and grant me an interview.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Book 3 Units 3-4参考答案及部分解析
11-15 ABCBA 16-20 ABCCB
21-25 CCAAA26-30 BDBDA
31-35 BBCAD36-40 ACGDB
41-45 ACDBD46-50 ACABD
51-55 ACBAC56-60 BDBDC
61. to raise 62. led
63. exists64. having
65. hours 66. certainly
67. which 68. of
69. their 70. or
71. ... a time where ... where → when
72. ... the slowly changed colors ...
changed → changing
73. ... they are fallen. fallen → falling
74. ... under my foot.    foot → feet
75. ... I were a kid ... were → was
76. ... I studied it ...    it → them
77. Once in while ...  in后加a
78. ... leaves simple because ...
simple → simply
79. ... so much beautiful.去掉much
80. ... resist pick up ...pick → picking
One possible version:
Dear Martha,
My friend and I are planning to make a trip to the Forest Park located in the suburb this Sunday. I'm writing to invite you to join us.
We are to meet at the City Square at 8:00 am and then get there by bus. When we arrive, we will walk around the park, climb the hill and have a picnic. We are coming back at 4:30 pm. I'm sure it will be fun. If you'd like to come with us, please bring some snacks and drinking water. Remember to wear comfortable shoes as we will do a lot of walking.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
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