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Book 4 Modules 3-4参考答案
1-5 ABCBC    6-10CCBAB
11-15 AABCA 16-20BACAC
21-25 BBCAD 26-30BAADA
31-35 DDCAB 36-40CAEGF
41-45 BACCA 46-50DBDCB
51-55 DDABD 56-60ACBCD
61. that / which    62. called
63. its   64.to make
65. at    66.longer
67. a    68.trips
69. has gone  70. how
71. ... snowfall makes ...    makes → made
72. ... I took walk.      walk前加a
73. ... gray hairs!  hairs → hair
74. Surely enough ...    Surely→ Sure
75. ... make they look ...    they→ them
76. ... began to thinking ...
去掉to或thinking → think
77. ... describe that we ...   that → what
78. ... a person which ...    which → who / that
79. ... cold and snow.     snow→ snowy
80. ... a lot of fun play with ...
play→ playing
One possible version:
From the picture, we can see the boy behavedifferently after the exams. He knocks at the door quietly when he gets 60points, taps the door confidently when he gets 95 points and kicks the doorhard when he gets 100 points.
The picture shows us both parents andchildren attach great importance to children's scores. The boy's differentbehaviors vividly reflect his attitude towards his scores.
Personally, I think it is wrong to focus somuch on examination scores. Parents should care more about how children aregetting along with their lessons and classmates. In this way, they can makesure children grow up healthily, successfully and happily.
21. B。细节理解题。根据Vladimir部分中的I goteverything I wanted ... engineering degree at the same time可知,Vladimir从他所就读的大学毕业时可获得双学位。
22. B。推理判断题。根据Osvaldo部分中的One ofthe reasons I chose this university ... courses and of life in the city可知,Osvaldo选择现在就读的学校的原因之一是该校的学校开放日给他留下了深刻印象,学校的老师和学生充满热情地对课程和学校生活进行了概述。也就是说,Osvaldo现在就读的大学在宣传方面做得更好,赢得了Osvaldo的心。
23. C。细节理解题。根据Maria部分中的What Ivalue most here is the feeling that I am part of a supportive community可知,Maria能在其就读的大学感受到一种归属感。
24. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的She wasjust 14 years old, and NASA's internship program only accepts students startingat age 16可知,Liza没有达到年龄要求,所以没有进入实习项目。
25. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Mangrovesare very important ... people depend on for food可知,红树林在维持生态平衡方面起到很大作用。
26. B。篇章结构题。根据划线词上一句The workuses data from four satellites及所在句covers mangrove growth and loss, rainfall, agriculture and citygrowth可知,It此处指“收集到的数据”。
27. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的Already,environmental groups are eager to use her system to make their work moreeffective可知,Liza所设计的系统有望使环保机构的工作变得更高效。由此可知,Liza在NASA的工作是卓有成效的。
28. A。写作目的题。根据第一段的内容可知,作者写本文的目的是为了回答读者的提问。
29. D。句意理解题。根据划线部分上一句Tosee properly, each eyeball needs to send the light that enters it onto a veryexact spot inside the eyeball, called the retina及第三段前两句Many peopledon't need glasses and can see just fine. This is because their eyeballs arefocusing light properly onto the retina可知,只有光进入到视网膜,我们才能看清事物。划线部分所在句意为“如果光落在了不正确的位置(非视网膜处),我们就无法看清事物。”
30. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的somepeople have eyeballs that are too long. They are called “shortsighted”可知,A项正确。
31. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的Onceyou need glasses, you usually need them forever — your eyes won't goback to normal on their own可知,作者认为,一旦人们需要使用眼镜来矫正视力,就得一直佩戴眼镜,因为我们的眼睛一般不会自然恢复正常视力。
32. D。推理判断题。根据第一段中的Askmiddle schoolers to show you their city through a camera and here's what you'llget可知,这项活动是要展示学生心目中的华盛顿特区。
33. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的I lovethat D.C. is a place where people can come all together and be free and be witheveryone that they love可知,在Lauryn Tharpe看来,华盛顿特区是一座兼容并蓄的城市。
34. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“EverydayDC” was inspired by a popular Instagram feed ... a different story thantheir professional work可知,这项活动的灵感来自一组有关非洲的私人照片。
35. B。文章出处题。根据第一段中的photosof their favorite people, places and things, from flowers to friends, and treesto trains可知,中学生们将从社会的各个方面展示华盛顿特区,本文选自杂志“社会”栏目的可能性最大。
36. C。设空后一句中的The tradition指代C项中的Bonsai;C项中的originatedin China more than 2,000 years ago与设空后一句中的spread to Japanabout 700 years ago构成顺承关系。
37. A。设空前一句与后一句语义上呈转折关系。A项“然而,这并不正确”符合语境。
38. E。E项中的thisbalance指代设空前一句中的the plant must appear to have grown naturally, untouched by humans。
39. G。G项中的thesethree things指代设空前一句中的truth, goodness, and beauty;设空后一句中的passed downfrom one generation of a family to the next进一步解释了G项中的live forhundreds of years。
40. F。F项中的You willalso need to与设空前一句中的You will have to构成递进关系;设空后一句中的your efforts指代设空前一句中的a little research及F项中的spend time caring for your plant。
41. B。42. A。根据文章首句中的Aninjured owl was rescued Wednesday from a Maryland highway可知,来往车辆的“驾驶员(drivers)”打电话告知警方高速路上滞留了一只“受伤的(injured)”猫头鹰。
43. C。44. C。根据第一段中的calledwith reports及本句中的Within three minutes可知,接到报警电话后,Michael Lathroum警官很快“抵达(arrived)”现场,这位警官“碰巧(happens to)”还是一位鸟类研究爱好者。
45. A。根据第三段中的The detectiveturned on her emergency lights to protect the owl可知,Anne ArundelCounty警察局的侦探“也(also)”来到了现场。
46. D。47. B。根据本句中的getalmost to the middle of the road可知,这只猫头鹰从右边的行车道“出发(started)”,“设法(managed to)”穿过来往的车辆,都快抵达道路中间了。
48. D。那位侦探打开故障信号灯,保护猫头鹰不受到“来往车辆(traffic)”的撞击。
49. C。50. B。51. D。根据本句中的spreadingits wings和the perceived threat可知,猫头鹰将人类“救援员(rescuers)”的行为视作了一种威胁,故而张开翅膀以示“防御(resist)”,但是它并没有“飞走(fly away)”的意思。
52. D。根据上文中的spreading itswings及本句中的so he could fasten the wings and feet可知,Lathroum将自己的衣服盖在猫头鹰身上是为了使猫头鹰“平静(calm)”下来。
53. A。根据本句中的another NRPofficer arrived to take it to a bird expert可知,猫头鹰一直待在Lathroum的车上,“直到(until)”另一名警官赶到将其带到一位鸟类专家处。
54. B。根据expert可知,在鸟类专家处,这只受伤的猫头鹰能受到“专业的(professional)”治疗。
55. D。根据only briefly可知,交通只是短暂“变缓(slowed)”。
56. A。根据下文中的to be struckby cars可知,这只猫头鹰可能是受到了一辆车的“撞击(struck)”。
57. C。根据下文中的They often arehit by cars可知,鸟儿受到车辆撞击的事情很“常见(not uncommon)”。
58. B。59. C。60. D。根据encroacheson their habitat及they often are hit by cars as they eat food可知,随着人类“发展(development)”不断侵吞鸟儿们的栖息地,它们需要面对更多的“危险(risks)”,在“道路上(on roads)”觅食时,经常被车辆撞到。
61. that / which。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰planets,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。
62. called。考查过去分词作定语的用法。path后跟定语,因call与path之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且call所表示的动作已完成,故填called。
63. its。考查代词。由设空处后的名词year可知,此处应填形容词性物主代词its。
64. to make。考查固定搭配。take sometime to do sth.意为“花费时间做某事”。
65. at。考查介词。at differentspeeds意为“以不同的速度”。
66. longer。考查形容词比较级。由句中的than可知,设空处应填比较级longer。
67. a。考查冠词。a differentamount of time意为“不同数量的时间”。
68. trips。考查名词复数。根据设空处前的5可知,设空处应用名词复数,故填trips。
69. has gone。考查现在完成时。由nearly 21times可知,go所表示的动作已经发生,故用现在完成时。
70. how。考查疑问词。设空处所在句意为“在生日蛋糕上插多少支蜡烛”,故填how。
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