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发表于 2019-9-15 23:15:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


学生双语报2018-2019年高三课标II第33期参考答案1-5 ABBAB       6-10 CACCB
11-15 BAABB          16-20 CBCBC
21-25 BCAAB       26-30 ABCBC  
31-35 CBCBA      36-40 CFGBD
41-45 DADBC       46-50 ABCDC
51-55 BADBB       56-60 CADBC
61-70 (One possible version)
61. based          62. discussing   63. attended
64. development      65. on        66. basically
67. that / which      68. The   
69. has grown       70. biggest
短文改错(One possible version)
As I grow older, I find it hard to slowing down the speed of losing many of my memories.
However, I try hard to catch the memory for my grandpa. Three years ago, when I heard the
terribly news that my grandpa had passed away, my heart is broken. I had never been thought
terrible                                        was               删除
he would leave me. I had never experienced a pain to that levels in my entire life. At first, I
couldn’t accept it. It wasn’t until Thanksgiving, then Christmas, when I realized he would never
come back. Without my grandpa, holidays are not ∧ same anymore. I can actual feel the
                                         the               actually
difference. They don’t have that happy feeling in the air like he did when my grandpa was alive.
书面表达 (One possible version)
Dear schoolmates,
  With the summer vacation approaching, many of us plan to pay a visit to the well-known natural heritage sites, such as Jiuzhaigou Valley and the Danxia landform areas. These scenic spots each have its unique features, presenting the beauty and wonder of nature. They are the treasures that nature leaves to us humans. However, to our great disappointment, many of them have suffered great damage from some tourists. For example, it was reported that several tourists walked on the Danxia landform on purpose, which caused permanent harm to the landform. Therefore, it’s strongly recommended that when travelling, all of us should behave ourselves and avoid doing any damage to the natural heritage sites.
Li Hua
1-5 BABCA       6-10 BBCCB
11-15 CACAC          16-20 ABABC
21-25 CBBCB       26-30 ACCAD
31-35 BBCCA      36-40 GAFEC
41-45 CDABA       46-50 BCABD
51-55 CADBD       56-60 ACBCD
61-70 (One possible version)
61. an             62. reflected     63. national   
64. on           65. was built     66. construction
67. supremely       68. whose  
69. holding         70. himself
短文改错(One possible version)
When I was ∧ kid, I had a dream of raising a dog. But my parents strong disagreed. They said
          a                                         strongly
they were too busy to spare of time for a dog. And they thought I was too young to take care of
me, let alone a dog. To prove that I had grown up or was able to take the responsibility, I helped
myself                                   and
my parents to do houseworks and tried to be independent. Several weeks later, my parents find
              housework                                                found
that I had become more maturely than before. They eventually permitted me to keeping a dog. On
                     mature                                       keep
my birthday, they bought me a little dog as a gift. My dog accompanied me a lot and I really miss
those days that we played together.
书面表达 (One possible version)
Dear schoolmates,
  I’m sorry that some of you have got stuck in the depression as a consequence of not performing well in the mid-term examination. I sincerely hope that you can be optimistic. Having a positive attitude can be of great benefit to our progress and success. In WWII, Winston Churchill announced to the English citizens, “Never, never, never give up.”, which greatly encouraged the British to eventually defeat their enemies. So, don’t lose heart when meeting with failures or challenges. Instead, cheer up and work out effective ways to improve your academic performance in school. For example, think about the causes of your failure in this exam and learn a lesson.
  Wish you success in the next exam!
                                                       Li Hua
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