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发表于 2018-8-19 10:49:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
摘 要:仓储业是1个古老的行业,随着社会经济的不断发展,仓储业已成为社会经济发展的重要力量,目前,我国的仓储业已有了较大的规模。本文首先从仓储的概述谈起,介绍了仓储的涵义,仓储业从人工阶段到自动化和智能化阶段的发展过程;然后分析了仓储业的发展现状和1些存在的问题,最后提出了发展现代仓库是发展我国仓储业的趋势。根据国家的总体部署,借鉴1些国外发达国家仓储业的发展经验,当前我国仓储业应朝着“4化”的方向发展,即仓储社会化、仓储产业化、仓储标准化、最终达到仓储现代化的目标。现代仓库是我国仓储业的发展趋势,在借助导入自动化仪器、构筑信息系统等手段,力图做到仓库内作业的机械化、信息化,节省人力资源,简化进货作业,最终达到优化仓储业的目的,提高仓储的现代化水平。
Keep problem and countermeasure investigation and discussion that the job develops in a storehouse of our country
Abstract:The storage industry is an old industry, with the continuous economic development; Storage has become a major force for socio-economic development. At present, China large-scale warehousing has been made. The main body of a book has been spoken of first from the summary keeping in a storehouse, has introduced the implication keeping in a storehouse, has kept the process composing in reply already from manpower stage to automation intellectualized in a storehouse; And then have analyzed current situation and a few have problem keeping a job in a storehouse, trend having suggested that developing the modern storehouse is to develop our country keeping a job in a storehouse finally. According to country overall scheme, draw a few abroad developed countries keeping the job development experience in a storehouse, current our country is keeping job Ying Chao in a storehouse the direction "that four spend " develops, is to keep socialization in a storehouse, keep in a storehouse to put to use in production, keep normalizing in a storehouse, reach ultimately to keep the target being modernized in a storehouse. The modern storehouse is that our country keeps the job developing trend in a storehouse, before means such as drawing support from the leading-in automation instrument, building information system, strive to achieve storehouse inner school assignments mechanized, normalization, economize human resources, facilitate purchase of merchandise school assignment, achieve the optimization keeps a jobs in a storehouse purpose ultimately, improve modernized level keeping in a storehouse.
Keyword:Warehousing-Industry; Developing trend; Modern storehouse
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