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发表于 2018-8-18 21:41:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 【摘要】目的研究碳酸氢钠(sodium bicarbonate, SB)在窒息心脏骤停(asphyxiation cardiac arrest, ACA)动物模型中对复苏预后的影响。方法32只五指山幼猪随机(随机数方法)平均分成SB组(n=16)和对照组(n=16),通过在呼吸末堵塞气管插管方法制作窒息型的心脏骤停模型,在成功制作心脏骤停模型后8 min后行标准心肺复苏。SB组在复苏即刻予以SB(1.0 mEq/kg稀释到40 mL)静脉推注,对照组予以40 mL生理盐水静脉推注。比较两组实验动物的自主循环恢复(return of spontaneous circulation, ROSC)率,复苏前和复苏后6 h内血压,心排血量(cardiac output, CO)血液pH值,血清钠离子浓度变化。在基础状态以及复苏后6 h利用正电子发射型计算机断层显像 (positron emission tomography, PET) 测定左心室心肌代谢最大标准化摄取值(the maximum standardized uptake value, SUVmax)。结果SB组复苏成功率(10/16)较对照组复苏成功率(8/16)高,6 h生存时间均值SB组较对照组长(3.630.76 )h vs. (2.450.70)h,但差异均无统计学意义;两组实验动物在复苏前后血清钠离子比较差异无统计学意义;复苏后6 h两组左心室心肌代谢SUVmax比较:SB组较对照组要高(1.320.20)vs. (1.100.14),P=0.035。结论窒息心脏骤停在复苏过程中使用SB可能会增加复苏成功率以及改善复苏后心肌代谢,且没有发生高钠血症。
  Effects of sodium bicarbonate on resuscitation in swine model of asphyxia cardiac arrest Wu Caijun, Li Chunsheng, Yang Jun, Guo Zhijun, Zhang Yi. Emergency Department,Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020 China
  Corresponding author:Li Chunsheng, Email:lcscyyy@sohu.com
  【Abstract】ObjectiveTo study the effects of sodium bicarbonate (SB) on resuscitation in swine model of asphyxiation cardiac arrest (CA). MethodsThirty-two healthy miniature pigs were randomized (ramdom number) into two groups, the SB group (n=16) and the control group (n=16). Animals in both groups underwent endotracheal tube clamping to induce CA. Once induced, CA left untreated for a period of 8 minutes. At the beginning of initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), SB (1.0 mEq/kg, diluted to 40 mL) was injected in central venous in SB group and isopyknic normal saline solution was injected in control group. Two minutes following initiation of CPR, defibrillation was attempted until return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was achieved or animals died. To assess the SB effects on myocardial metabolism, positron emission tomography (PET) was performed at baseline and 6 after ROSC. To analyze 18F-FDG myocardial uptake identified in PET, the maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax) was measured. Results ROSC was 10/16 successful in SB group and only 8/16 successful in control group. The average survival time of SB group was (3.630.76)h and that of control group was (2.450.70)h. Myocardial metabolism imaging using PET demonstrated that myocardial metabolism injuries in control group were more severe than in SB group at 6 h after ROSC and SUVmax was more higher in SB group than in control group (6 hrs after ROSC: 1.320.20 vs. 1.100.14,P=0.035). Conclusions In swine model of asphyxiation CA, SB improve the myocardial metabolism and might raise the possibility of ROSC and have no hypernatronemia.
 【Key words】Asphyxia; Cardiac arrest;Sodium bicarbonate; Myocardial metabolism; Positron emission tomography; Hypernatronemia; Return of spontaneous circulation; Resuscitation
  心脏骤停(cardiac arrest, CA)是临床最危重的心脏急症,在世界范围内发生院外心血管疾病死亡事件中,心脏骤停事件为死亡原因之首。2010年美国心脏病协会心肺复苏和心血管急救指南中碳酸氢钠(sodium bicarbonate, SB)被建议为复苏时不推荐常规使用的药物sup[1]/sup。心脏骤停和复苏过程中机体组织酸中毒的产生主要是因为心脏停搏期间血流中断和组织的无氧代谢增加,所以酸中毒的程度受CA的时间、复苏过程中胸外按压产生的血流水平和通气氧含量水平的影响sup[1]/sup。虽然有文献报道复苏过程中使用SB可以增加自主循环恢复(return of spontaneous circulation, ROSC)率与出院存活率sup[2-3]/sup,但是对于室颤型的CA,使用SB不能增加室颤型CA动物除颤成功率和存活率,而且有研究提示CA复苏过程中使用SB可产生高钠血症引起高渗血症,与不良预后有关sup[4-7]/sup。窒息导致CA与室颤型CA具有病理生理学基础上的差异sup[8]/sup,在窒息型CA动物模型复苏中使用SB是否存在与室颤型CA动物模型类似的结果尚无明确文献报道。本研究采用气管堵塞窒息方法建立猪CA模型,利用正电子发射型计算机断层显像(positron emission tomography, PET)测定左心室心肌代谢的最大标准化摄取值(the maximum standardized uptake value, SUVmax),对复苏过程中使用SB的复苏效果及是否存在高钠血症等不良反应进行评估。
  1.2.1实验动物准备动物术前12 h禁食,可自由饮水。麻醉诱导:肌注氯胺酮10 mg/kg,咪达唑仑0.5 mg/kg以及阿托品0.05 mg/kg。而后将动物平卧位固定于动物实验手术台上,耳缘静脉注射丙泊酚2.5 mg/kg后行经口气管插管,置入直径6.5 F的气管插管并接呼吸机(
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