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发表于 2018-8-18 21:24:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 目的 探讨护理管理在医院感染防控工作中的作用,对山东省淄博市第一医院分院(以下简称我院)感染管理存在的问题进行分析,采用相应措施,建立和健全医院感染管理体系,完善相关的护理管理制度,做好医务人员医院预防和控制感染管理知识的教育培训。 方法 选择2010年2月~2011年12月我院烧伤、新生儿病房及手术室等感染管理相关科室的室内空气、医护人员、消毒灭菌物品进行采样与检测,评价2010年与2011年两年合格率的变化,并进行统计学分析。 结果 2011年室内空气、医护人员手表面、消毒灭菌物品等监测指标合格率分别为96.69%、94.52%、97.72%,与2010年(92.24%、83.33%、91.35%)比较,差异均有统计学意义(2=3.92、6.53、7.81,均P  0.05);2010年医院感染率为5.80%(8/138)[(www. ) 专业提供论文代写和发表的服务,欢迎光临],2011年医院感染率为4.10%(6/146),两组比较差异有统计学意义(2=4.06,P  0.05);全院无感染性病例暴发流行;2010年医护人员满意度为89.86%(124/138),2011年医护人员满意度为95.21%(139/146),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(2=4.72,P  0.05)。 结论 通过对医院护理管理制度的规范化,医护人员预防医院感染整体意识提高,有效预防和控制了医院感染,医院感染发生率明显降低,医疗服务整体质量得到提高。
  [关键词] 规范化;护理管理;医院感染;预防;控制;作用
  [中图分类号] R197.32 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-7210(2014)09(a)-0119-04
  [Abstract] Objective To investigate the effects of nursing management in the prevention and control of hospital infection, and the problems existing in the management of infection in Branch of the First Hospital of Zibo City in Shandong Province (our hospital for short) were analyzed, to give the corresponding measures for establishing and perfecting the management system of hospital infection, to improve the system of nursing management related to medical staff, hospital infection prevention and control knowledge management education and training. Methods In our hospital from February 2010 to December 2011 in burn wards, and neonatal, operation room of infection management of indoor air related department staff, sterilization articles were sampled and detected changes in 2010 and 2011 two years, assessment of qualified rate and statistics analysis were carried on. Results In 2011, the indoor air, hands of medical staff, the surface sterilization items such as monitoring indicators qualified rate respectively were 96.69%, 94.52% and 97.72%, and they were 92.24%, 83.33%, 91.35% in 2010, they showed significant differences (2=3.92, 6.53, 7.81, P  0.05); the infection rate in 2010 was 5.80% (8/138), the infection rate in 2011 was 4.10% (6/146), it was statistically significant differences between the two groups (2=4.06, P  0.05); there was non infection diseases outbreaksin medical staff satisfaction; staff satisfaction was 89.86%(124/138) in 2010, and was 95.21% (139/146) in 2011, the comparison between the two groups showed that, the difference was statistically significant (2=4.72, P  0.05). Conclusion Through the hospital nursing management system standardization, the medical staff can improve the overall awareness of prevention of nosocomial infection, with the effective prevention and control of hospital infection, hospital infection rate decreases significantly, the overall quality of medical service has been improved.
 [Key words] Standardization; Nursing management; Hospital infection; Prevention; Control; Effect
  医院感染是目前我国各地各级医院所共同面临的突出问题。医院感染管理水平的结果直接反映一个医院的整体管理水平的高低和医院工作质量的好坏。护理工作与医院感染之间有着密切的联系,其在医院感染体系中起着重要作用。护[(www. ) 专业提供论文代写和发表的服务,欢迎光临]理工作贯穿于预防医院感染的各个工作与环节中。相关调查表明,医院感染中的30%~50%与不恰当的护理操作不恰当有关[1-2]。因此,加强护理管理工作可有效预防和控制医院感染的发生,保障医疗安全。山东省淄博市第一医院分院(以下简称我院)自2011年开始对其护理管理进行了规范化,取得较好效果,医院感染率明显下降。本文对加强护理管理的方法进行了探讨,现总结报道如下:
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料
  1.2 方法
  1.2.1 建立和完善医院感染管理体系
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