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发表于 2018-8-18 19:51:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 目的 探讨以团队协作学习为主的PBL教学方法对护生置管成功率和学习兴趣的影响,为解决教学难点,提高护生置管成功率和改良教学方式提供新的思路。 方法 于2015年6月选择2012、2013级西安外事学院医学院11个班的护理专业学生共542名,分为实验组(272名)与对照组(270名),实验组采用以团队协作学习为主的PBL教学方法,对照组采用传统示教教学授课法。比较两组护生置管成功率以及学习兴趣的不同。 结果 实验组护生置管成功率为97.4%,置管失败率为1.8%,放弃置管率为0.7%;对照组护生置管成功率为47.0%,置管失败率为41.5%,放弃置管率为11.5%,两组比较差异有高度统计学意义(P  0.01)。实验组护生的学习兴趣显著高于对照组,差异有高度统计学意义(P  0.01)。 结论 以团队协作学习为主的PBL教学方法能够有效提高护生置管成功率,激发护生的学习兴趣,是值得推广和应用的教学方法。
  [关键词] 护理学生;鼻胃管置入;成功率;学习兴趣
  [中图分类号] R05 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)03(a)-0145-04
  Impact of team-based collaborative learning teaching method PBL on nasogastric indwelling catheter success probability and learning interest in nursing students
  FU Shuang1 ZHANG Zhe2
  1.Medical College of Xi'an International University, Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710077, China; 2.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710061, China
  [Abstract] Objective To investigate the impact of team-based collaborative learning teaching method PBL on nasogastric indwelling catheter success probability and learning interest in nursing students, in order to solve the difficulty and provide a new method for improving the success rate of nasogastric indwelling catheter and changing teaching pattern in nursing students. Methods In June 2015, a total of 542 nursing students, from 11 classes of 2012 grade and 2013 grade in Medical College of Xi'an International University, the students were divided into two groups, the experiment group (272 students), control group (270 students). The control group were given traditional teaching method for the indwelling catheter, the experiment group were given the team-based collaborative learning teaching method PBL. Two groups were compared in the success rate and learning interest of nursing. Results The success rate of the experiment group nursing students was 97.4%, indwelling catheter failure rate was 1.8%, giving up indwelling catheter rate was 0.7%, the success rate of the control group was 47.0%, indwelling catheter failure rate was 41.5%, giving up indwelling catheter rate was 11.5%, the difference were statistically significant (P  0.01). While the learning interest of experiment group was also significantly higher than control group, the difference was statistically significant (P  0.01). Conclusion Team-based collaborative learning teaching method PBL can effectively improve the success rate of catheter nursing students, stimulate learning interest, which is worthy of promotion and application. 鼻胃管置入是基础护理操作中常用技术之一,是护理学生技能操作中的难点和影响护理教学效果的重要内容[1]。一般会采用传统的护理教学方法,即教师边讲解边模拟示范操作方法和步骤,然后由护理学生相互之间进行练习,但护生置管过程中会引起对方恶心、呕吐、呛咳、甚至误入气管等置管失败的情况[2],极大的影响了护生置管成功率,增加了置管的焦虑。因此鼻胃管置入法成为护理教学中的难点[4],同时又是极易引起护生抵触的操作。为达到教学目标,帮助护生尽快掌握置管技术,消除护生置管焦虑情绪,避免护生身体损伤,提高护生置管成功率,当务之急是改良目前的教学模式。
  PBL(problem based learning)教学于1969年由美国的神经病学教授Barrow首创,最早由加拿大McMaster大学医学院提出并开始实施[5],PBL教学法主张学生主动性学习,提倡以问题为基础的讨论式和启发式教学[6]。为了帮助护理学生尽快掌握鼻胃管置入技能,西安外事学院医学院(以下简称我校)引入PBL教学模式,让学生自主思考如何解决置管过程中存在的各种问题,并形成小组团队进行协作性学习,通过学生之间的讨论与交流,增加解决问题的能力,并取得了良好的教学效果。现报道如下:
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料
  于2015年6月选择我校2012、2013级11个班的护理专业学生共542名,其中男39名,女503名,年龄18~22岁,平均(20.32.15)岁。将其分为实验组272名与对照组270名,实验组采用以团队协作学习为主的PBL教学方法,对照组采用传统示教教学授课法。两组学生在性别、年龄、入学成绩和前期护理学相关基础课程成绩等方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P  0.05),具有可比性。见表1。
  1.2 方法
  1.2.1 以团队协作学习为主的PBL教学方法 病例准备 理论授课和模拟示教完成后,基于教学大纲的基本内容和要求,带教老师根据鼻胃管置入失败的常见原因设计不同情况下置管失败的病例,制订PBL教学专用教案,并向护生提出如何解决不同患者置管失败的问题[14],如:患者有鼻部畸形或炎症等疾病时,使用较粗胃管导致置管失败,此时应选用何种型号胃管?当胃管通过咽部时出现恶心、呕吐,是否因刺激喉上神经所致,采用何种方法解决[15]?面对患者消极不配合或重复置管失败拒绝,导致置管无法进行,如何给予心理疏导[16]?在给患者置管约30 cm时出现呼吸困难、面色紫红、呛咳,是否为误入气管[18-19]?患者侧卧位置管时出现心率加快、心律
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