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发表于 2018-8-18 09:34:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  摘要:目的 了解上海市虹口区中学生医疗常识与合理就医健康素养现状及其影响因素,并为开展健康干预提供参考依据。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取上海市虹口区在校中学生832人,通过自行设计的评估问卷进行健康素养现状调查,分析影响因素。结果 虹口区中学生医疗常识与合理就医健康素养获取维度得分(7.58±2.27),理解维度得分(20.59±4.67),分析评价维度(8.67±2.23),运用维度(34.54±8.78), 总分为(71.38 ±15.36)。调查对象中具备合理就医健康素养的比例为34.7;年级、性别、户籍类型、学校健康教育课时及自评学习成绩会影响学生医疗常识与合理就医健康素养水平。结论 上海市虹口区中学生医疗常识与合理就医健康素养水平仍然偏低,未来干预应该充分利用学校健康教育这一平台。
  中图分类号:R 169.1 G 804.3 文献标识码:A
  Medical knowledge and reasonable medical treatment health literacy and its influencing factors among middle school students in Shanghai, Hongkou District
  QI De-yun,LI Li-ping,SHI Hui-jing,JIANGYan-wei,WANG Ya-ning
  Shanghai Hongkou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai 200082,China
  Abstract:Objective To ascertain the medical knowledge and reasonable medical treatment health literacy and its influencing factors among middle school students in Shanghai Hongkou district, and to improve the current health education and health promotion, thus providing reference for health intervention. Methods Using stratified cluster sampling, 832 students were investigated with the questionnaire of health literacy. Multi-variables non-conditional logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the health literacy status and analyze its influencing factors. Results In terms of four dimensions of medical knowledge and reasonable medical treatment health literacy, scores of obtaining, understanding, analysis , evaluation and application were (7.58 + 2.27), (20.59 + 4.67), (8.67 + 2.23), (34.54 + 8.78) respectively, and the overall health literacy score was (71.38 + 15.36). The proportion of health literacy was 34.7%. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that the factors of affecting the health literacy of students were grade, gender, type of household registration, school health education hours and self-assessment learning achievement. Conclusion The overall level of students' medical knowledge and reasonable medical treatment health literacy are at low level in Shanghai Hongkou district, future intervention should take full advantage of the platform of school health education.
  Key words:middle school students,medical knowledge and reasonable medical treatment,healthy literacy, influence factor
  Europe WHO ?P于健康素养的定义是健康素养不仅是一种能力,也包含知识、动机,是人们在医疗服务、疾病预防和健康促进的三个层面上获取、理解、评价和应用健康信息,以维持或提高生活质量[1]。随着健康素养研究的不断深入,有从临床医学过渡到公共卫生领域、从成年人过渡到儿童青少年的趋势,青少年健康素养逐渐引起关注[2]。青少年处在健康观念形成的关键时期,医疗知识的储备和运用可以通过影响其健康行为以及是否可以合理就医,从而影响健康状况。目前青少年健康素养测量内容多在成人健康素养基础上进行改编[3],没有考虑到青少年学生的思维理念的不成熟性,且尚未有研究针对其医疗常识与合理就医健康素养进行深入分析。本研究使用复旦大学公共卫生学院自行编制的“中学生医疗常识与合理就医调查问卷”,于2016年上半年对上海市虹口区在校中学生展开调查,旨在了解其医疗常识与合理就医健康素养水平及其影响因素,为改善目前的健康教育及健康促进,并为开展健康干预提供参考依据。     青少年正处于身高和智力迅速发育阶段,对外界知识的吸收能力、模仿适应能力及可塑性很强[17]。学校干预是应对低健康素养的有效手段,是青少年健康促进的主要环节,更是青少年健康素养提高的关键平台 [18]。上海市卫计委、上海市教育委员会关于在青少年和托幼机构开展“医教结合”工作的指导意见中指出,青少年学生健康成长是关系国家强盛和民族未来的大事,医教结合行动作为学校卫生的关键性举措,最终目的就是为了充分发挥学校和卫生资源,通过教育、卫生等部门合作,不断提高学生健康素养和健康水平。本研究对虹口区中学生医疗常识与合理就医健康素养现况及影响因素进行了探索,发现了其健康素养水平仍然较低,有待提高,更提示了除了个体因素,学校健康教育是关键的一个影响因素,未来学校干预应该充分利用健康教育这一平台,致力于提高学生健康素养水平并改善其健康状况。
  [志谢 :衷心感谢上海市虹口区教育局及相关学校的大力支持 ;衷心感谢复旦大学儿少卫生教研室在问卷设计及后期数据分析中给予的指导和建议]
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