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发表于 2018-8-18 00:17:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  【摘要】 目的:探讨电子输尿管软镜钬激光碎石术治疗孤立肾上尿路结石的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2016年1月-2017年7月利用电子输尿管软镜钬激光碎石术治疗孤立肾上尿路结石11例患者的临床资料。所有患者术前均预置F5双J管1~2周作输尿管被动扩张。结果:11例患者均顺利放置输尿管软镜输送鞘并置入电子输尿管软镜,其中10例成功进行钬激光碎石,7例术后1个月复查腹部平片未见明显残留结石,3例患者残留结石38.5 ℃,心率105次/min),诊断为全身炎症反应综合征,予以抗感染、激素及补液等对症处理后好转。平均手术时间(75±32)min。术后1个月随访5例肌酐不正常患者,肌酐均恢复正常。结论:电子输尿管软镜治疗孤立肾上尿路结石,具有图像清晰、安全有效、结石清除率较高的优点,可以作为孤立肾上尿路结石的首选治疗方式。
  【关键词】 电子输尿管软镜; 孤立肾; 上尿路结石
  【Abstract】 Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of electronic flexible ureteroscopy holmium laser lithotripsy for the treatment of upper urinary tract calculi in patients with a solitary kidney.Method:The clinical data of 11 patients with isolated upper renal calculi treated with holmium laser lithotripsy under electronic ureteroscope from January 2016 to July 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were prepositioned with F5 double J catheter for 1-2 weeks ureteral passive dilation.Result:Successful insertion of ureteric access sheath was performed in 11 cases and 10 cases had stones successfully crushed for single procedure,of these cases,7 cases showed no residual stones after one month of follow-up,
  the diameter of 3 cases’ residual stones was smaller than 4 mm and the stones were fully discharged after 3 months.The operation failed in 1 case because the infundibulopelvic angle (IPA) was smaller than 30°,after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy(ESWL) and external physical vibration lithecbole there were no residual stones with three months of follow-up.No major complications was developed,such as severe hematuria,ureteral mucosal avulsion and ureteral perforation. After operation,fever occurred in 3 cases,of which 2 cases had hypothermia to normal after anti-infection treatment,1 case had shivering fever (body temperature >38.5 ℃, heart rate 105 beats/min),diagnosis of systemic inflammatory response syndrome,anti-infection,hormone and fluid replacement and other symptomatic treatment improved. The average operation time was (75±32)min.5 cases of creatinine dysfunctional patients were followed up 1 month after operation,and creatinine was restored to normal.Conclusion:Electronic ureteroscope for the treatment of solitary kidney upper urinary tract calculi has the advantages of clear,safe and effective and high stone clearance rate,it can be used as the preferred treatment for solitary kidney upper urinary tract calculi.     【Key words】 Electronic flexible ureteroscopy; Solitary kidney; Upper urinary tract calculi
  First-author’s address:Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210028,China
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料 回顾性分析2016年1月-2017年7月利用电子输尿管软镜钬激光碎石术治疗孤立肾上尿路结石11例患者的临床资料。纳入标准:长径大于1 cm的孤立肾输尿管上段结石及肾结石,肾盂、肾盏无明显扩张。排除标准:(1)排除未纠正的全身出血性疾病的患者;(2)排除有严重心脏疾病和肺功能不全,无法承受手术的患者;(3)排除未控制的糖尿病和高血压的患者;(4)排除未控制的泌尿道感染的患者;(5)排除严重尿道狭窄、腔内手术无法解决以及严重髋关节畸形、截石位困难的患者。其中男7例,女4例,年龄22~73岁;输尿管上段结石3例,肾结石6例(含3例肾下盏结石),肾结石合并输尿管上段结石2例;结石直径10~22 mm;先天性孤立肾1例,功能性孤立肾7例(对侧肾小球滤过200 μmol/L)。所有患者术前均预置F5双J管1~2周作输尿管被动扩张。术前尿培养阳性予以敏感抗生素治疗,复查尿培养阴性后进行手术。该研究已经医院伦理学委员会批准。
  1.2 手术方法 本组病例均使用日本奥林巴斯电子输尿管软镜(Olympus URF-V,F8.5~9.9)。气管插管全身麻醉后取膀胱截石位,常规以F8/9.8输尿管硬镜拔出预置双J管,向患侧输尿管插入斑马导丝(图1),沿导丝进镜至输尿管内(尽量上行到较高位置),观察斑马导丝头端放置位置,退镜。沿斑马导丝置入输尿管软镜输送鞘(F12/14,Boston),在输尿管软镜输送鞘置入过程中,需反复抽动导丝,以确保输送鞘沿导丝在输尿管内上行(图2)。随后置入电子输尿管软镜观察(图3),进入输尿管上段或肾盂后退出导丝,调整输尿管软镜头端位置,依次观察输尿管上段、肾盂及上中下各肾盏(图4),尤其注意不要遗漏后组盏,定位结石后使用钬激光(美国科医人)碎石(图5),光纤为200 μm,调节功率为0.6~0.8 J,频率为25~40 Hz,将结石尽量粉末化至最大直径小于2 mm,以便结石排出,在留置输尿管输送鞘的情况下以冲水引流、套式篮取石等方法将结石取出或部分取出。对于输尿管上段结石,术中可将结石推入肾盂,如无法推入,则将斑马导丝留置在结石下方,同法沿导丝置入输尿管软镜输送鞘及进行钬激光碎石。术后患者常规留置F5双J管4周。术后3 d常规复查腹部平片了解碎石情况及双J管位置,术后1~3个月复查腹部平片了解排石情况。
  2 结果
  11例患者均顺利放置输尿管软镜输送鞘并置入电子输尿管软镜,其中10例成功进行钬激光碎石,7例术后1个月复查腹部平片未见明显残留结石,3例患者残留结石38.5 ℃,心率105次/min),诊断为全身炎症反应综合征,予以抗感染、激素及补液等对症处理后好转。平均手术时间(75±32)min。术后1个月随访5例肌酐不正常患者,肌酐均恢复正常。
  3 讨论
  孤立肾合并上尿路结石是泌尿外科临床治疗的难点,临床上孤立肾上尿路结石极易引起尿路梗阻和感染进而导致肾功能不可逆的受损,因此治疗上尽量选用微创安全的方法。体外冲击波碎石术(extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy,ESWL)、经皮肾镜取石术(percutaneous nephrolithotomy,PCNL)及输尿管软镜碎石术(flexible ureteroscopy lithotripsic,f-URL)是目前上尿路结石治疗的三种主要微创手段。ESWL治疗存在碎石形状不规则,大小不可控的缺点,容易形成石街而引起尿路梗阻,且ESWL可导致治疗区域肾实质缺血和肾功能损害[1-3],因此目前不建议使用ESWL治疗孤立肾上尿路结石。PCNL作为孤立肾上尿路结石的主要治疗手段之一,国外报道具有结石清除率高等优点,且经过一个月随访能显著改善肾功能[4-7],但仍存在较多的相关并发症,如严重出血、发热、尿源性脓毒血症、集合系统损伤冲洗液外渗、结肠损伤等[8-9],且孤立肾患者由于无对侧肾代偿,手术风险较高。     随着光学电子技术的发展,近年来输尿管软镜技术开始逐渐应用于临床。输尿管软镜处理上尿路结石因其通过人体自然腔道,因此具有创伤小、安全性好及可重复治疗等优点,避免了PCNL穿刺所致的肾实质损伤,更加符合微创理念。文献报道对于38.5 ℃,心率加快105次/min),诊断为全身炎症反应综合征,考虑与该患为者输尿管上段嵌顿性结石,输尿管输送鞘未能置入至肾盂输尿管连接部位置,冲洗液引流不畅所致,术后经抗感染、激素及补液等对症处理后好转。
  本组11例患者术中均采用低能高频(功率为0.6~0.8 J,频率为25~40 Hz)的钬激光设置方式将结石尽量粉末化,术中部分小结石颗粒可经输尿管软镜输送鞘冲出,对于较大结石颗粒笔者主张应用套石篮取出。本组患者由于均成功放置输尿管软镜输送鞘,易于套石篮取出结石,提高了手术成功率及结石清除率,且减少了软镜对输尿管黏膜的损伤。文献[20]研究表明,对于孤立肾上尿路结石患者,应尽量采取主动取石以避免术后形成石街堵塞输尿管。对于孤立肾下盏结石,术中采用头低脚高位或于患者背部托起患肾,应用套石篮将结石置于较佳的碎石部位进行碎石,来提高碎石成功率[21]。本组中有1例下盏结石患者因肾盂-肾下盏漏斗部夹角(IPA)参考文献
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  (收稿日期:2017-10-18) (本文?辑:张爽)
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