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发表于 2018-8-17 23:10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  摘 要:采用“洛伦兹曲线-基尼系数”和“标准分数”测量法,对中超、英超联赛的竞争平衡发展状况进行测量比较,结果显示:中超联赛的竞争平衡曲线波动较大,一定程度上反映了联赛竞争平衡状况的稳定性较差;中超球队竞赛实力处于强者更强、弱者更弱的两极分化状况。分析二者的竞争平衡调控手段得知,出于“吸引更多球迷关注”的宗旨,在确保球队竞技实力和俱乐部经济实力均衡的同时,还应改变限制外援和工资封顶的思维,为高薪吸引全球顶级球员参与,打击假球黑哨营造干净而公平的赛事环境。
  关 键 词:体育管理;竞争平衡;中超;英超;洛伦兹曲线-基尼系数;标准分数
  中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2017)06-0048-06
  Abstract: By using “Lorenz curve - Gini coefficient” and “standard score” measurement methods, the authors made a measurement comparison on the situation of development of competition balance in the Chinese Super League (CSL) and the Premier League (PL), the revealed the following findings: the curve of competition balance in the CSL fluctuates more significantly, which, to a certain extent, reflects that the stability of the situation of league competition balance is worse; the competition strength of the CSL teams is in a situation of polarization, i.e. the strong becomes stronger, while the weak becomes weaker. By analyzing the two leagues’ competition balance regulation means, the authors concluded that based on the purpose “to attract the attention of more fans”, while ensuring team competition strength and club economic strength, the CSL should also change the thinking of restricting foreign players and salary capping, and create a clean and fair competition environment for attracting the participation of world top players with a high salary, and for cracking down competition fraud and black whistle.
  Key words: sports management;competition balance;Chinese Super League;Premier League;Lorenz curve-Gini coefficient;standard score
  1 中超、英超联赛竞争平衡状况比较
  通过文献梳理发现,测量和评价一个联赛或联盟的竞争平衡状况,仍是当今研究的难点。需要考虑到以下两个问题:一是测量方法选择问题,“如同定量研究货币供应一样,竞争平衡的测量方法有很多种”[5],由于各职业体育联盟特征的不同,其最合适的测量方法也应不同。已有文献明确指出,某些运用于北美四大职业体育联盟的测量方法,并不适用于欧洲职业足球联盟或其它联盟[6]。因此,针对中超和英超联赛的赛制特征,选取洛伦兹-基尼系数法和标准分数法为竞争平衡测量方法。二是评价标准值缺失。“竞争平衡如同财富,每个人都知道它是值得拥有的好东西,但是没有人知道该拥有多少。”因此,目前研究成果中尚没有一个普遍认可的评价标准。民谚云“不怕不识货,就怕货比货”,故采用比较法,选取世界上影响力最大的职业足球联赛――英超联赛的竞争平衡状况为“参照系”,有利于中超联赛竞争平衡状况的自省和定位。     [3] LENTEN L J A. Towards a new dynamic measure of competitive balance:a study applied to Australia’s two major professional ‘football’ leagues[J]. Economic Analysis & Policy,2009,39(3):407-428.
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