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发表于 2018-8-17 20:36:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  【摘要】 目的 探讨Orem自理理论对全髋关节置换术患者生活质量的影响。方法 120例行人工全髋关节置换术老年患者, 按入院单双号分为对照组和观察组, 各60例。对照组患者实施常规骨科护理, 观察组患者在对照组基础上应用Orem自理理论实施护理。比较两组患者术前、术后2周、1个月、3个月、6个月生活质量水平。结果 两组患者术前Barthel 评分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后2周、1个月、3个月、6个月, 观察组患者Barthel 评分分别为(65.45±11.48)、(70.23±1.32)、(81.41±2.01)、(92.21±2.11)分, 均高于对照组的(56.22±13.33)、(66.42±1.23)、(75.21±1.84)、(86.41±1.92)分, 差异具有统计学意义(P http://
  【关键词】 Orem自理理论;全髋关节置换术;生活质量
  Study on the effect of Orem self-care theory on quality of life in patients undergoing total hip replacement TANG Shun-luan, XIAO Zhi-zhen, HONG Yu-ling. Department One of Orthopeadic Surgery, Shantou Hospital Affiliated to Shantou Central Hospital of Zhongshan University, Shantou 515031, China
  【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the effect of Orem self-care theory on quality of life in patients undergoing total hip replacement. Methods A total of 120 elderly patients undergoing total hip replacement were divided by admission single and double numbers into control group and observation group, with 60 cases in each group. The control group received conventional orthopedics nursing, and the observation group received Orem self-care theory for nursing on the basis of the control group. The quality of life before operation, at postoperative 2 weeks, 1 months, 3 months and 6 months was compared between the two groups. Results Both groups had no statistically significant difference in Barthel score before operation (P>0.05). In postoperative 2 weeks, 1 months, 3 months and 6 months, the observation group had Barthel score respectively as (65.45±11.48), (70.23±1.32), (81.41±2.01) and (92.21±2.11) points, which were all higher than (56.22±13.33), (66.42±1.23), (75.21±1.84) and (86.41±1.92) points in the control group, and their difference was statistically significant (P教育系统[1]。全髋关节置换术运用Orem自理理论的核心是最大限度调动患者康复的信心, 护士通过评估患者健康状况、自理缺陷程度, 有的放矢让患者通过学习行为来满足自理需求, 激发其主动锻炼的兴趣, 逐渐提高自理能力, 有效改善负性情绪, 减轻家庭成员的负担。由于本组病例多数患者年龄较大, 常伴随有多种重要器官组织的生理功能减退, 因此术后需尽快采取规范化的功能?炼, 才可恢复至完全自理能力。因此本研究拟探讨Orem自理理论对全髋关节置换术患者生活质量的影响, 现报告如下。     1. 4 统计学方法 采用SPSS15.0统计学软件对研究数据进行统计分析。计量资料以均数 ± 标准差( x-±s)表示, 采用t检验;计数资料以率(%)表示, 采用χ2检验。P0.05);术后2周、1个月、3个月、6个月, 观察组患者Barthel评分均高于对照组, 差异具有统计学意义(P参考文献
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