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发表于 2018-8-16 19:53:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 目的 了解自发性球结膜下出血患者体内各血液组分的变化情况,为探讨其发病机制和防治提供参考。 方法 采用回顾性序列病例研究方法,纳入临床确诊为自发性球结膜下出血患者(患者组)120例及正常人对照组(正常组)120例,按盲法由专业技术人员完成血液样本的常规检查。观察并比较两组血常规的各项参数,进行统计学分析。 结果 在自发性球结膜下出血患者体内,参数WBC、MPV、MONO%、MONO和BASO较正常组明显升高。而RBC、HGB、HCT、LYM%、PLT、PCT、PDW和P-LCR较正常组明显降低。余下参数与正常组相比,差异无统计学意义。 结论 自发性球结膜下出血患者体内血液各组分含量或浓度的异常变化提示其可能具有的发病机制与血液成分动态变化有关,或血液成分的异常变化可能导致患者球结膜下出血。此发现将会指导临床对自发性球结膜下出血的认识,有助于临床对自发性球结膜下出血的防治。
  [关键词] 自发性球结膜下出血;红细胞;白细胞;血小板;百分比;绝对值;血常规检测
  [中图分类号] R777.3 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)32-0055-04
  [Abstract] Objective To understand the changes of blood components in the patients with spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage, and to provide a reference for exploring the pathogenesis and prevention and treatment. Methods Retrospective sequence case study was used. 120 patients with spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage who were clinical diagnosed were selected as patient group, and 120 healthy subjects were selected in the normal group. The routine examination of blood samples was completed by professional and technical personnel via blind method. The parameters of the routine blood test of the two groups were observed and compared, and the statistical analysis was carried out. Results The parameters of WBC, MPV, MONO%, MONO and BASO in the patients with spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage were significantly higher than those in the normal group. RBC, HGB, HCT, LYM%, PLT, PCT, PDW and P-LCR were significantly lower than those in the normal group. The remaining parameters were compared with the normal group, and the differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion The abnormal changes in the content or concentration of blood components in the patients with spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage suggest that the potential pathogenesis is related with the dynamic changes of blood components, or the abnormal changes in blood components may lead to bleeding under the conjunctiva. This finding will guide the clinical understanding of spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage, which contributes to the clinical prevention and treatment of spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage.
  [Key words] Spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage; Red blood cells; White blood cells; Platelet; Percentage; Absolute value; Routine blood test
  自?l性球结膜下出血(spontaneous subconjunctiva hemorrhage)是指在没有炎症和直接外伤的情况下,球结膜自发形成的出血,临床上较常见[1]。球结膜是一层菲薄的结膜,表面光滑,质地透明,与眼球筋膜周围组织疏松相连,而球结膜血管外的压力较低,因此在血管内压力升高或血管、血液因素异常时,球结膜下血管破裂或血管壁渗透性增加发生出血[2]。出血初期呈鲜红色,逐渐由红色变成棕黄色,1周左右逐渐吸收消退[3]。尽管球结膜下出血十分常见,但原因很多。在针对自发性球结膜下出血发病机制的研究中,早年有一些学者通过XG-Ⅱ血液循环功能测试仪发现自发性球结膜下出血的老年患者的血液动力学异常[4]。但自发性球结膜下出血的发病机制与患者参数异常是否有关尚且不知。为此,本文采用回顾性序列病例研究方法,收集120例经临床确诊为自发性球结膜下出血患者的血常规结果,对结果中的相关参数进行详细分析,以期有助于对该病发病机制进行研究。     3.3自发性球结膜下出血患者血小板相关参数的异常特点
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