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  [摘要]目的 探讨在人工流产术后不同时间段放置曼月乐宫内节育器的临床避孕效果。方法 选取2014年4月~2016年4月我院收治的58例行人工流产术并自愿放置曼月乐宫内节育器的女性作为研究对象,按照曼月乐宫内节育器放置时间的不同分为实验组和参照组,每组各29例。其中,人工流产术后立即放置曼月乐宫内节育器的女性作为实验组,人工流产术后第1次月经来潮后的4~7 d放置曼月乐宫内节育器的女性作为参照组。对比两组女性不同时间段放置曼月乐宫内节育器的临床避孕效果。结果 两组女性的节育器续用率、脱环率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组女性的月经减少、点滴出血发生率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 对于行人工流产术并自愿放置曼月乐宫内节育器的女性,在术后直接放置曼月乐宫内节育器的效果与术后第1经期来潮后放置曼月乐宫内节育器,效果不存在明显差异,不会增加不良反应的发生率,可以避免女性进行二次手术以达到避孕效果,值得临床上借鉴并进一步普及应用。
  [中图分类号] R169.41 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2017)12(a)-0119-03
  [Abstract]Objective To investigate the clinical contraceptive effect of Mirena intrauterine device (IUD) in different time periods after induced abortion.Methods 58 women who were given induced abortion and were voluntarily placed with Mirena IUD who were admitted to our hospital from April 2014 to April 2016 were selected as the study subjects.According to the different time periods of the placement of Mirena IUD,the patients were divided into the experimental group and the control group,with 29 cases in each group.Among them,the women who were placed with Mirena IUD immediately after induced abortion were selected as the experimental group,and the women who were placed with Mirena IUD 4-7 days after the first menstruation after induced abortion were selected as the control group.The clinical contraceptive effect of Mirena IUD placed at different time periods was compared between the two groups.Results In terms of the re-use rate and the de-ring rate of Mirena IUD were compared between the the experimental group and control group,and the differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05).The incidence rate of menstrual reduction and slight bleeding were compared between the two groups of women,and the differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05).Conclusion For women who were given induced abortion and were voluntarily placed with Mirena IUD,the effect of directly placing Mirena IUD after the abortion and placing Mirena IUD after the first menstrual cycle is not significantly different.It does not increase the incidence rate of adverse reactions.Women can avoid a second surgery to achieve the contraceptive effect.This is worthy of clinical learning and further popularization and application.
  [Key words]Induced abortion;Different time periods;Mirena intrauterine device (IUD);Contraceptive effect
  ?R床上最根本、最稳妥、最直接的避孕方法是在女性子宫内放置宫内节育器(IUD),但不同的节育器临床避孕效果不一[1]。曼月乐(左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统)宫内节育器是一种新型的避孕工具,可通过长时间缓慢释放低剂量左炔诺孕酮来影响受精卵着床,进而提高避孕效果,目前在临床中已得到医生及育龄女性认可并应用于临床避孕[2-3]。曼月乐宫内节育器根据放置时间点的不同分为两种,即术后立即放置和术后第1次月经来潮后放置[4]。对于行人工流产术的女性而言,在术后立即放置曼月乐宫内节育器可降低短期内无避孕措施的情况下再次意外受孕的概率,进而降低流产手术对女性身体、精神带来的痛苦[5]。曼月乐宫内节育器在临床避孕中优点较多,但容易在放置3~6个月后发生出血现象[6-7]。因此,本研究选取我院收治的58例行人工流产术并自愿放置曼月乐宫内节育器的女性作为研究对象,进一步探究人工流产术后不同时间点放置曼月乐宫内节育器的临床避孕效果,现报道如下。     [5]赵应梅,戴海燕,杨宾烈,等.人工流产术后即时放置三种不同宫内节育器的临床效果观察[J].中华全科医师杂志,2015,14(2):111-116.
  [12]任卫娟,陈灿明,徐扬,等.重复性剖宫产术中放置吉娜宫内节育器80例的临床分析[J].中国医药导报,2016, 13(15):112-115.
  [18]任卫娟,王奕芳,陈灿明,等.剖宫产术中放置吉娜宫内节育器的临床应用[J].国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志,2015, 34(5):398-400.
  (收稿日期:2017-09-19 本文编辑:孟庆卿)
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