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发表于 2018-8-15 19:48:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 目的 探?铁剂在妊娠贫血治疗中的必要性及铁蛋白在补铁治疗中的意义。 方法 选取2016年1~12月我院产检分娩的患者共423例,其中早孕期(177例)、中孕期(60例)、晚孕期(186),收集三阶段的铁蛋白、血红蛋白(hemoglobin,HGB)的数据资料并分析其差异性,按HGB是否0.05)。晚孕期铁蛋白与HGB有相关性(P0.05)。临床并发症:胎膜早破(0.95%)、妊高症(0.71%)、产褥期感染0例、产后出血(0.47%)、新生儿窒息0例、胎儿宫内生长受限(0.47%),巨大儿(0.47%),均未高出我院同时期此类并发症的发生率(12.89%、5.61%、0.023%、1.14%、1.5%、1.18%、5.41%)。 结论 妊娠贫血不容忽视,但并非每一个缺铁性贫血患者均需补铁治疗,补铁治疗需要个体化,联合铁蛋白及HGB进行补铁治疗值得推荐。
  [关键词] 铁蛋白;血红蛋白;相关性;妊娠期贫血;发生率
  [中图分类号] R714.25 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)03-0067-03
  The necessity of iron therapy in the treatment of patients with anemia during pregnancy and the clinical value of ferritin
  KANG Yan SHAO Ting
  Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Suzhou Municipal Hospital,Suzhou 215000,China
  [Abstract] Objective To investigate the necessity of iron in the treatment of anemia in pregnancy and the significance of ferritin in iron therapy. Methods 423 patients who underwent pregnancy check-up and were delivered in our hospital from January to December 2016 were selected, including 177 cases in the early pregnancy, 60 cases in the middle pregnancy and 186 in the late pregnancy. The data of ferritin, Hemoglobin(HGB) of three stages were collected and the difference was analyzed. According to whether the HGB was 0.05). The ferritin in late pregnancy correlated with HGB(P0.05). The clinical complications including premature rupture of membranes(0.95%), pregnancy-induced hypertension(0.71%), puerperal infection in 0 cases, postpartum hemorrhage (0.47%), neonatal asphyxia in 0 cases, fetal intrauterine growth restriction(0.47%) and huge children(0.47%) did not exceed the incidence of such complications in our hospital in the same period(12.89%, 5.61%, 0.023%, 1.14%, 1.5%, 1.18%, 5.41%). Conclusion Anemia in pregnancy can not be ignored, but not every iron deficiency anemia patient need iron therapy. Individualized iron therapy is needed, and the combination with ferritin and HGB for iron therapy is recommended.     [Key words] Ferritin;Hemoglobin;Relevance;Anemia in pregnancy;Incidence
  1.1 一般资料
  1.2 方法
  1.3 妊娠期贫血及铁蛋白缺乏诊断标准[1]
  2.3 晚孕期贫血组与晚孕期非贫血组铁蛋白与HGB水平比较
  晚孕期贫血组相较非贫血组铁蛋白及HGB水平均值均下降,差异有统计学意义(P    综上所述,过度宣扬贫血对母儿的危害以及补铁对母儿的有利影响显得证据不足,补铁治疗仍需适时、适量、个体化。
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