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发表于 2018-8-15 18:21:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The preliminary application of GnRH-a combined small amount of HCG in inducing ovulation on patients with polycystic ovary syndromeHUANG Pinxiu,WEI Jihong, WEI Lihong, ZHAO Bingling, LI Xinlin△. Department of Reproductive Medicine, Liuzhou Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Liuzhou 545001, Guangxi, China
  【Abstract】Objectives: To investigate the preliminary application of GnRH-a combined small amount of HCG in inducing ovulation on patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), to explore effective triggering protocol for PCOS patients. Methods: All the PCOS patients were randomly divided into three groups: group A (31 people) using GnRH-a triggering, group B (35 people) using HCG triggering and group C (30 people) adopted GnRH-a combined small amount of HCG triggering. The age, basal FSH levels, ovulation success rate, clinical pregnancy, miscarriage rate among the three groups was compared. Results: The general condition of the three groups was basically same. In group A, B and C, the ovulation success rates were 80%, 76%, 90% respectively; clinical pregnancy rates were 16.1%, 20%, 30%; OHSS rates were 0%, 14.3 %, 0%; abortion rates were 20%, 0%, 0%. The clinical pregnancy rate was the lowest in group A, and the abortion rate was higher than the other two groups; however, the rate of multiple births and OHSS rate in group B was higher than the other two groups. The ovulation success rate and the clinical pregnancy rate of group C were higher than the other two groups. Conclusions: GnRH-a combined small amount of HCG on PCOS patients can lead to a higher clinical pregnancy rate, lower abortion ratesand lower OHSS rate, which is trend to improve ovulation rates.
  【Key words】Diphereline (GnRH-a); HCG; Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS); Inducing ovulation
  多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)占不孕患者中的5%~10%[1],具有月经稀发、排卵障碍、窦卵泡数多等特点,其排卵障碍是影响不孕患者的主要原因,严重影响不孕患者的身心健康。虽然促排卵药可以促进PCOS患者的卵泡发育而受孕,但是由于多囊卵巢综合征患者中很多都是对促排卵药过度反应,且容易发生卵泡黄素化,不容易把握促排卵药的剂量,使促排卵和诱发排卵更为复杂和困难。人绒毛膜促性腺激素(human chorionic gonadonphin,HCG)模拟LH峰诱发排卵,但往往发生未破卵泡黄素化和卵巢过度刺激综合征。用促性腺激素释放激素的类似物(GnRH-a)诱发排卵的机理在于其能诱发垂体大量释放LH达到排卵和卵泡成熟的峰值,GnRH-a替代HCG相比,OHSS发生率减少,但黄体功能不足增加[2,3]。本文研究在PCOS患者中使用达菲林联合少量HCG诱发排卵,为多囊卵巢综合征患者探讨有效的诱发排卵方案。     1材料与方法
  从月经周期第2~5d开始使用克罗米芬50~100mg/d,连用5d,5d后行B超检查若卵泡直径少于10mm,根据体重指数加用HMG 75~150U/d,连用7d,据卵泡大小及激素变化,每7d调整HMG的用量。当卵泡的直径>18mm,随机注射GnRH-a(达菲林)0.1mg、HCG 6000IU或达菲林0.1mg加HCG 2000IU。如果有4个卵泡直径>16mm时取消本周期。2d后B超了解是否排卵。
  采用SPSS13.0 软件进行统计学处理,计量资料用均数±标准差表示,两组均数进行t检验,三组以上均数进行方差分析,两组百分率比较用χ2 检验,P    Griffin等[14]研究在卵巢高反应者中应用GnRH-a和低剂量HCG 1000IU共同诱发排卵比单用GnRH-a,可以明显提高着床率(41.9% vs. 22.1%)、临床妊娠率(58.8% vs. 36.8%)和活产率(52.9% vs. 30.9%),且明显减少OHSS的发生。 在多囊卵巢综合征患者中使用达菲林与HCG联合诱发排卵可以获得较高临床妊娠率,降低OHSS率,有提高的排卵率的趋势。由于本研究样本量较少,最终结论还需增加样本进一步说明。
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