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发表于 2018-8-15 11:51:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 目的 探讨MRI磁敏感加权成像(SWI)在该地区成年人患者中高血压脑部微出血(CMBs)的临床方面应用。方法回顾方便选择2015年1月―2017年3月在该院使用磁共振行高血压患者常规扫描及SWI序列扫描为高血压组100例,选取该院行头颅 MR 健康体检及招募血压正常志愿者作为对照组100例,均加扫SWI序列。结果 各种扫描序列中,高血压组检出61例微出血,对照组3例。 结论 高血压与脑微出血有密切关节,SWI序列对高血压脑微出血的检出率明显高于常规T1WI、T2WI、FLAIR、DWI序列,在诊断高血压脑微出血主面有很大优势。
  [关键词] 磁敏感加权成像;高血压;脑微出血
  [中图分类号] R743 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)09(a)-0196-03
  Clinical Study of Magnetic Susceptibility-weighted Imaging in Adult Hypertensive Brain Microbleeds
  GU Sen-wen, SHEN Hong-mei, ZHAO You-yin, MAO Peng
  Department of Radiology, Fuquan First People’s Hospital, Fuquan, Guizhou Province, 550599 China
  [Abstract] Objective This paper tries to explore the clinical application of MRI magnetic susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) in hypertensive brain microbleeds (CMBs) in adults in the region. Methods A total of 100 patients with hypertension were selected for routine scan and SWI sequence scan in this hospital from January 2015 to March 2017 100 cases of normal volunteers underwent routine MR training and recruiting blood pressure were convenient selected as the control group, were all swept SWI sequence. Results In the scanning sequence, 61 cases of microbleeds were detected in the hypertensive group and 3 cases in the control group. Conclusion There is a close relation between the hypertension and microbleeds. The detection rate of high blood pressure and brain microbleeds by SWI sequence is higher than that of conventional T1WI, T2WI, FLAIR and DWI sequences, which has a great advantage in the diagnosis of hypertensive brain microbes.
  [Key words] Magnetic susceptibility weighted imaging; Hypertension; Cerebral microbleeds
  磁敏感加?喑上瘢?susceptibility weightedimaging,SWI)是近几年来新出的一种扫描技术,主要反映各种组织之间内在的磁敏感性差别的磁共振成像新技术,在对出血和出血后变化产物的显示十分敏感,易于检查出形成局部磁场非均匀性的组织变化。脑微出血(cerebral microbleeds,CMBs)一般是指    1.3 资料分析
  1.4 统计方法
  所有的数据资料均采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件进行分析计算,计数资料采用%表示,组间比较采用χ2检验,P0.05),SWI检测出的CMBs显著高于其他MRI序列,提示SWI能更有效检测出CMBs,见表2。
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