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发表于 2018-8-15 10:51:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 目的 分析经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术在危重患者中的应用效果。 方法 方便选择2014年1月―2016年12月收治的30例危重患者,其中颅脑损伤有13例,脑出血有17例。有25例昏迷,5例合并多发伤,所有患者均采用经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术进行治疗。分析预后良好率;气管切开时间、手术切口长度、手术过程出血量;患者皮下气肿、套管脱出、插管失败、肉芽形成等并发症发生率。 结果 30例患者中有28例预后良好,良好率为93.33%。30例患者中,仅有1例出现皮下气肿,无套管脱出、插管失败、肉芽形成等并发症发生,发生率3.33%。30例患者中气管切开时间、手术切口长度、手术过程出血量分别为(7.39±2.77)min、(1.39±0.12)cm、(6.61±2.59)mL。结论 经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术在危重患者中的应用效果确切,可有效缩短操作时间,减少手术组织损伤,手术切口小,并发症少,无肉芽形成或套管脱出等并发症发生,安全性较高,可有效改善患者预后,值得推广。
  [关键词] 经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术;危重患者;应用效果
  [中图分类号] R459 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)08(c)-0081-03
  Application of Percutaneous Puncture Dilational Tracheostomy in Critically Ill Patients
  ZHUANG Rong-li
  ICU, Peizhou People’s Hospital, Peizhou, Jiangsu Province, 221300 China
  [Abstract] Objective To analyze the application effect of percutaneous puncture dilational tracheostomy in critically ill patients. Methods 30 cases of critically ill patients from January 2014 to December 2016 were convenient selected, including 13 cases with cerebral injury and 17 cases with cerebral hemorrhage, and 25 cases were coma, and 5 cases were complicated by multiple injuries, and all patients were treated with percutaneous puncture dilational tracheostomy, and the prognosis good rate, tracheotomy time, operation cut length, bleeding amount in the operation course and incidence rate of complications such as subcutaneous emphysema, prolapse of the cannula, failure of intubation and granulation were analyzed. Results Of 30 cases, the prognosis of 28 cases was good, and the good rate was 93.33%, of 30 cases, only 1 case was with subcutaneous emphysema, and there were no complications such as cannula failure, intubation failure, granulation formation, and the incidence rate was 3.33%, and the tracheotomy time, operation cut length and bleeding amount in the operation course of 30 cases of patients were respectively (7.39±2.77)min,(1.39±0.12)cm,(6.61±2.59)mL. Conclusion The application effect of percutaneous puncture dilational tracheostomy in critically ill patients is definite, which can effectively shorten the operation time, reduce the operation tissue injury with small operation incision, few complications and high safety but without complications of granulation formation or cannula prolapsed, and it can effectively improve the prognosis of patients, and it is worth promotion.
  [Key words] Percutaneous puncture dilational tracheostomy; Critically ill patients; Application effect
  ?夤芮锌?术是危重患者抢救的重要环节,可针对危重患者气道保护性反射低下、合并呼吸功能障碍等进行有效治疗。气管切开术主要有传统气管切开术以及经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术两种方式,目前经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术已经在国外广泛应用,但国内应用仍有限[1-2],其具有设备简单,只需掌握气管切开正规操作技术即可独立完成手术的优势,且气管套拔出后切口愈合速度快且瘢痕小,患者和家属接受度高,并发症少。为了进一步对经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术在危重患者中的应用效果进行观察,该研究方便选择2014年1月―2016年12月收治30例危重患者,探讨了经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术在危重患者中的应用效果,现报道如下。     1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料
  1.2 方法
  30例患者均采用经皮穿刺扩张气管切开术进行治疗。仰卧,垫高肩部5~10 cm,头颈部处于正中位,颈前延展,局部麻醉后在第一、二或第二、三气管软骨间隙正前方皮肤作横切口,用3 mL生理盐水注射器和套针连接,经切口用穿刺套管针穿刺,确认穿刺针进入气管后将导丝置入,将穿刺套管抽出。对气管前壁和气管前组织进行扩张,沿着导丝将气管套管送入气管,将导丝和导管芯迅速旋出,将吸引管插入,气道通畅后进行套囊充气,对气管套管进行固定[3-4]。
  1.3 观察指标
  1.4 统计方法
  采用SPSS 15.0统计学软件统计数据,计量资料、计数资料分别用(x±s)、[(%)]表示,并分别进行t检验、χ2检验,P0.05);经皮穿刺气管扩切术术后出血PDT组 (7.3±4.2)mL少于OT组为(28.4±19.8)mL,经皮穿刺气管扩切术切口愈合时间PDT组为(4.4±1.3)d短于OT组(7.8±2.5)d(P参考文献]
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