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发表于 2018-8-15 10:46:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 近年来,随着接受腹腔镜下保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术患者人数的不断增加,腹腔镜下保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术已经成为国内外学者共同关注的焦点,随着人们不断的研究,国内外现已出现很多成功案例的报道,该次研究通过分析腹腔镜下保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术的适用范围、术式比较、术后并发症及预后分析等方面,探讨腹腔镜下保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术的效果,旨在为临床的诊断和治疗提供科学依据。
  [关键词] 腹腔镜;保留脾脏;胰体尾切除术
  [中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)08(a)-0194-05
  [Abstract] In recent years, with the increasing number of patients having the laparoscopic resection of the pancreatic tail preserving spleen, this kind of operation approach has become the focus of scholars at home and abroad. As more and more people continue to study, there are many successful cases being reported at home and abroad. This study tries to explore the curative effect of this approach by analyzing the application scope, surgery comparison, postoperative complications and prognosis, etc. of the laparoscopic resection of the spleen preservation, so as to provide a scientific basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
  [Key words] Laparoscope; Preserving spleen; Resection of pancreatic body and tail
  1 腹腔镜下保留脾脏的胰体尾切除术的适用范围
  1.1 肿物性质
  1.2 肿物大小、位置及与周围组织关系
  ①胰体尾部单发良性肿瘤,其位置与主胰管、脾动静脉或脾门关系紧密,有着很大的分离风险;②病变集中于胰体尾的慢性胰腺炎;③术前CT或MRI检查肿瘤直径统计学意义,其远期和近期疗效相当。Claudio[12]等通过比较261例因胰腺导管腺癌(PADC)行胰体尾切除术的患者(其中30.7%为腹腔镜手术,69.3%为开腹手术),发现两者的R0切除率相近(P=0.53),淋巴清扫的检出率并差异有统计学意义(P=0.33)。术后胰瘘,再手术,死亡率和患者的辅助治疗的患者比率均相似,腹腔镜手术对于总生存率并差异无统计学意义(P=0.32)。然而,由于医疗技术的限制,目前对于胰腺恶性肿瘤的早期确诊仍然是非常困难的,手术切除率仍然很低,要正确评估腹腔镜手术对于胰体尾恶性肿物的治疗价值,仍需更多随机、前瞻性的多中心实验。     [11] Matsumoto S,Mori H,Kiyonaga M,et al."Peripancreatic strands appearance" in pancreatic body and tail carcinoma: Evaluation by multi-detector CT with pathological correlation[J].Abdominal imaging,2012,37(4):602-608.
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