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发表于 2018-8-15 10:45:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 目的 探究采用中心静脉导管进行胸腔闭式引流在治疗自发性气胸的临床效果。方法 方便选取2013年10月―2016年12月进入该院治疗的自发性气胸患者共81例,采用中心静脉导管的方法对患者进行胸腔闭式引流,探究采用中心静脉导管在治疗自发性气胸上的优越性。结果 患者在接受治疗后,根据治疗情况对治疗效果以及不良反应发生情况进行分析。经过数据统计后发现,在81例患者中,治愈的患者共59例,所占比例为72.84%,治疗有效患者共19例,所占比例为23.46%,治疗无效患者共3例,所占比例为3.70%。总治疗有效率为96.30%;观察患者不良反应的发生情况,出现复张性肺水肿的患者有1例,所占比例为1.23%,皮下水?[患者有2例,所占比例为2.47%,切口疼痛患者有1例,所占比例为1.23%,没有患者发生切口感染,患者不良反应的总发生率为4.94%。结论 采用中心静脉导管治疗自发生气胸的效果明显,同时可以降低不良反应的发生率,值得在临床上推广与应用。
  [关键词] 中心静脉导管;自发性气胸;胸腔引流
  [中图分类号] R651 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)08(c)-0063-03
  Study on Curative Effect of Arrow Tube in Treatment of Therapeutic Pneumothorax
  DAI Xin-gang
  Department of Respiration Medicine, Liyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Liyang, Jiangsu Province, 213300 China
  [Abstract] Objective To study the clinical effect of central vein catheter for closed thoracic drainage in treatment of therapeutic pneumothorax. Methods Convenient selection 81 cases of patients with therapeutic pneumothorax treated in our hospital from October 2013 to December 2016 were selected and the patients were given the closed thoracic drainage by the central vein catheter and the superiority of central vein catheter in treatment of therapeutic pneumothorax was studied. Results After treatment, the treatment effect and occurrence of adverse reactions were analyzed according to the treatment conditions, and the data statistics showed that of 81 cases of patients, 59 cases were cured, accounting for 72.84%, 19 cases were effectively treated, accounting for 23.46%, and 3 cases were ineffectively treated, accounting for 3.70%, and the total effective rate was 96.30%, and the occurrence of adverse reactions of patients was observed and three was 1 case with re-expansion pulmonary edema, accounting for 1.23%, 2 cases with subcutaneous edema, accounting for 2.47% and 1 case with incision pains, accounting for 1.23%, and there were no patients with incision infection and the total incidence rate of adverse reactions was 4.94%. Conclusion The effect of central vein catheter in treatment of therapeutic pneumothora is obvious, and it can reduce the incidence rate of adverse reactions, which is worth clinical promotion and application.
  [Key words] Central vein catheter; Spontaneous pneumothorax; Thoracic drainage
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