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2018复合小梁切除术联合Ranibizumab 治疗新生血管性青光眼









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发表于 2018-8-15 10:35:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [摘要] 目的 ?u估复合小梁切除术联合玻璃体腔内注射Ranibizumab以及全视网膜光凝术在新生血管性青光眼治疗的有效性及安全性。方法 研究对象为方便选取2015年5月―2016年2月于昆明医科大学第一附属医院眼科就诊的新生血管性青光眼患者20例(22只眼),入选患者均行玻璃体腔注射Ranibizumab(0.5 mg/0.05 mL),待虹膜新生血管消退或萎缩后,再行复合小梁切除术,以穹窿部为基底作结膜瓣,术中联用丝裂霉素C(0.4 mg/mL, 3~5 min)。根据患者屈光介质情况术前或术后行全视网膜光凝。小梁切除术后随访6个月,观察视力、眼压和手术并发症情况。 结果 新生血管性青光眼的原因包括视网膜静脉阻塞,其中中央静脉阻塞(11只眼)、分支静脉阻塞(6只眼),糖尿病视网膜病变(5只眼)。玻璃体腔注药后1 d,新生血管开始逐渐消退,2~5 d 22只眼新生血管全部消退。术前眼压平均为(42.27±2.95) mmHg,术后1个月平均眼压降至(12.05±2.78)mmHg,术后3个月(14.22±2.70)mmHg,术后6个月降至(15.09±4.21)mmHg,术后各随访时间点眼压与术前相比均差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。术前抗青光眼药物的使用数量为(3.14±0.71)种,术后数量降至(0.82±1.14)种。完全成功12眼( 54.5%),部分成功6眼(27.3%),总手术成功率81.8%(18/22)。手术并发症:术后浅前房4例,经散瞳药物治疗2周内恢复正常;前房积血2例;脉络膜脱离1例,药物治疗后恢复;无其他严重并发症出现。 结论 复合小梁切除术联合玻璃体腔注射Ranibizumab和全视网膜光凝术是治疗新生血管性青光眼的安全而有效的方式。
  [关键词] 复合小梁切除术;新生血管性青光眼;玻璃体腔注射;Ranibizumab;全视网膜光凝术
  [中图分类号] R779 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)08(c)-0001-05
  Complex Trabeculectomy and Ranibizumab in Treatment of Neovascular Glaucoma
  WU Hong-an1, YANG Wen-yan2, TIAN Kun2, YANG Yue2, TAO Yi-jin2
  1.Department of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology, Dayao People’s Hospital, Chuxiong, Yunnan Proivnce,675400 China;2.Department of Ophthalmology, First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming,Yunan Province,650031 China
  [Abstract] Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of complex trabeculectomy and intravitreal injection of Ranibizumab and panretinal photocoagulation in treatment of neovascular glaucoma. Methods convenient 20 cases of patients with neovascular glaucoma (22 eyes) diagnosed in our hospital from May 2015 to February 2016 were selected, and the selected patients underwent the intravitreal injection of Ranibizumab(0.5 mg/0.05 mL), and complex trabeculectomy after the regression or atrophy of iris neovascularization, and combined with mitomycin C in operation(0.4 mg/mL, 3~5 min), and the panretinal photocoagulation was conducted before and after surgery according to the dioptric media condition, and the patients were followed up for six months after the trabeculectomy, and the vision, eye pressure and operative complications were observed. Results The causes of neovascular glaucoma included the retinal vein occlusion, including the central retinal vein occlusion(11 eyes), branch retinal vein occlusion (6 eyes), diabetic retinopathy (5 eyes), and the neovascularization begun to gradually subside after 1 d of intravitreous druginjection, and the neovascularization of 22 eyes after 2~5 d subsided, and the average eye pressure before operation was (42.27±2.95)mmHg, and decreased to (12.05±2.78)mmHg in 1 month after operation and(14.22±2.70) mmHg in 3 months after operation and (15.09±4.21)mmHg in 6 months after surgery, and there were obvius differences in the eye pressures at various follow-up points before and after surgery(P0.05), and the use number of antiglaucoma drugs was (3.14±0.71), and decreased to (0.82±1.14) after operation and 12 eyes were completely successful(54.5%), 6 cases were partially sucessful(27.3%), and the total operation success rate was 81.8%(18/22), and in terms of operation complications, 4 cases were with shallow anterior chamber after operation, and returned to normal in 2 weeks after mydriasis drugs treatment, and there were 2 cases with hyphema and 1 case with choroidal detachment and the patients were recovered after the drugs treatment, and there were no other severe complications. Conclusion The complex trabeculectomy and intravitreal injection of Ranibizumab andpanretinal photocoagulation in treatment of neovascular glaucoma is a safe and effecitve method in treatment of neovascular glaucoma.     [Key words] Complex trabeculectomy; Neovascular glaucoma; Intravitreal injection; Ranibizumab; Panretinal photocoagulation
  新生血管性青光眼(Neovascular glaucoma,NVG)是继发于多种眼部血管病变及全身血管性疾病的一类严重危害视力的难治性青光眼。眼前节新生血管的形成通常由于各种原因的导致的视网膜缺血缺氧启动新生血管因子,如视网膜中央静脉阻塞、糖尿病视网膜病变和眼部缺血综合征等。既往研究发现,新生血管性青光眼的房水中血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)的水平显著增高,而人为地将动物眼中VEGF的水平提高,也能造成虹膜新生血管形成和新生血管性青光眼[1-2]。将抗VEGF药物注入玻璃体腔或前房中,可促使虹膜新生血管消退[3],因此在治疗新生血管性青光眼中应用抗VEGF药物具有一定的疗效。Ranibizumab(雷珠单抗)是一种抗VEGF的重组单克隆抗体片段,在抑制眼部新生血管,如脉络膜新生血管,糖尿病视网膜病变等,具有较好的疗效,但在新生血管性青光眼治疗中的应用研究还报道较少[4-5]。新生血管性青光眼是一种破坏性疾病,传统的单一的治疗方法包括滤过性手术、睫状体破坏性手术、房水引流装置植入术等成功率较低,均难以达到理想的效果。单纯的滤过性手术或房水引流装置植入手术治疗新生血管性青光眼成功率较低的原因通常因虹膜新生血管出血、术后炎症反应严重,滤过泡易于瘢痕化。目前的观点认为通常需要药物、激光和手?g联合的综合治疗方法,先施行抗VEGF药物玻璃体腔注射和/或全视网膜光凝术,控制原发疾病,消除新生血管形成的刺激因素,可提高新生血管性青光眼的滤过性手术的成功率[6-8]。因此,该研究以该院于2015年5月―2016年2月收治20例患者(22只眼)为研究对象,拟通过复合小梁切除术联合玻璃体腔注射Ranibizumab和全视网膜光凝术综合治疗新生血管性青光眼,并观察综合治疗的疗效和安全性,现报道如下。
  1 资料与方法
  1.1 一般资料
  1.2 方法
  1.2.1 玻璃体腔注药术 所有患者均在本人及家属充分知情同意的情况下进行手术。患者仰卧位,常规消毒铺巾,应用0.4%盐酸奥布卡因(国药准字 J20100128)表面麻醉,经睫状体平坦部向玻璃体腔穿刺注入Ranibizumab(0.05 mL/0.5 mg)。指测眼压,必要时行前房穿刺放液降低眼压。术毕涂抗生素眼膏包眼,术后抗生素眼液点眼3 d。
  1.2.2 复合小梁切除术 玻璃体腔注药后2~5 d,虹膜新生血管消退或萎缩后,行复合小梁切除术。常规消毒铺巾后,0.4%盐酸奥布卡因表面麻醉或2%盐酸利多卡因(国药准字 H20065387)结膜下注射局部麻醉,作以穹窿为基底的的6 mm×5 mm大小的结膜瓣,电凝止血,再做以角膜缘为基底的4 mm×3 mm大小的厚度约1/3巩膜厚度的巩膜瓣,将浸有0.4 mg/mL丝裂霉素C的棉片置于巩膜瓣和结膜瓣下约3~5 min,结膜瓣的游离缘应远离棉片以免直接接触丝裂霉素C,用平衡盐溶液冲洗整个创面,剪除角巩膜小梁组织和周边虹膜后,在方形巩膜瓣两个后角用10-0尼龙线间断缝合巩膜瓣2针,检查滤过通道房水流出情况,用8-0可吸收缝线间断缝合结膜瓣切口。术后局部给予激素、抗生素药物点眼。
  1.2.3 全视网膜激光光凝术 全视网膜激光光凝的执行时间取决于患者屈光间质情况。
  1.3 术后随访指标
  复合小梁切除术后1月平均眼压降至(12.05±2.78) mmHg,术后3月眼压为(14.22±2.70)mmHg,术后6个月眼压为(15.09±4.21)mmHg,术后随访眼压与术前相比均差异有统计学意义(P0.05)(图1、表3)。术后视力较术前提高者2眼,无明显改变者20眼,无视力下降眼。术前抗青光眼药物的使用数量为(3.14±0.71)种,术后数量降至(0.82±1.14)种。     术后并发症:术后浅前房4例,经散瞳治疗后2周内前房恢复正常;前房积血2例;脉络膜脱离1例,经药物治疗后恢复;无其他严重并发症出现。
  3 讨论
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