The theory for presumed validity of administrative action has never deviated from the administrative law scholars‘ vision field during the past twenty years’ development. However, as regards this imported theory, there have always been two trends among the academics. One is reliance on transplantation in terms of the relationship between transplantation and self-construction. The other is emphasis on principles in terms of the relationship between principles and techniques. Actually, on the value norm, this theory could be renarrated to fit the democratic polity. On the technical norm, its claim that to defy the administrative action with presumed validity may commit the interference with public function could also be supported by the element theory of the action of interference with public function in the criminal law. Therefore, to get rid of the reliance on transplantation and the negligence of technical norms is not only an inevitable road for the rebirth of this theory, but also a direction of further efforts even if we decide to abandon this theory. 论文代写 http://
Key words:dministrative action, presumed validity of administrative action, interference of public function, transplantation and self-construction http://
一、引言 论文代写 http://
大多数普通民众可能都有一种意识:对抗国家机关工作人员执行公务,也许会给自己带来不利后果。关于这种意识的来源以及为何形成,是一个复杂的、不拟在此讨论的问题。比较确定的是,生活在现代国家治理环境中的人,基于直接或间接的经验,都能从制度运作的实例中,感知此意识的可验证性。最为明显的实例,就是国家对此类对抗行为,往往会定性为“妨害公务”的违法乃至犯罪行为,并给予相应的制裁。 论文网 http://
笔者以为,在国家公务行为限定于行政领域的范围内,行政法学既有的“公定力理论”,具备为上述制度安排进行正当化的功能。为论证此观点的成立,本文拟在价值规范和技术规范两个层面上予以分析。首先,公定力理论如何解说前述制度,其在民主国家中的价值依据是什么?其次,“妨害公务”的技术规范是什么,其是否与公定力理论一致,以实现此价值? 最后,本文将利用并超越“公定力与妨害公务”这一主要论题,借题发挥,回顾一下当前国内公定力理论研究的缺憾,以表明笔者对该理论如何在移植与自构之间、原理与技术之间关系上妥善处理以获得新生的浅见。 代写论文 http://
二、公定力:民主国家的安定秩序 http://