摘 要:宪法对行政区划体制的规定不可能十分详细,进一步的规定只能留给国家立法机关,国家立法机关在制定行政区划等相关法律时,应遵守一定的宪法原则,国家行政机关在进行行政区划改革时应有国家法律的授权。中国宪法有关行政区划的规定过于“硬性”,在立宪技术上没有采取“法律保留”,导致相关的宪法争议。
关键词: 行政区划;法律保留;宪法争议
Abstract:A constitution cannot specify the administrative division of the state, which is left to the legislature. While making laws concerning administrative division, the legislature is subject to certain constitutional principles. Only with power delegated by the legislature can the executive change the administrative division. Unfortunately, in China’s Constitution, the provision concerning administrative division seems too “over-rigid” and no technical “legal reservation” can be found, which will inevitably lead to constitutional controversies.
Key Words: administrative division; legal reservation; constitutional controversy