On Unitary Revelation and Reflection of Illegality http://
【 内容 摘要】大陆法系违法性 理论 存在的法理根基是对个人自由独立性的保障,此亦是该理论所要求和体现的价值,其新客观违法性理论弥补了主观违法性理论与旧客观违法性理论在解决实际 问题 时所表现出来的缺陷与矛盾。这对我国 目前 的刑法犯罪论体系的改革与重构来讲具有十分重要的现实意义。具而言之,在司法过程中仍应坚持“刑事违法性”,这是法治 社会 所要求的形式合理性所决定的。 http://
【关键词】刑事违法性;形式违法性;实质违法性;主观违法性;客观违法性 http://
【Abstract】 The groundwork of jurisprudence about Illegality shows the importance for individual freedom and independence. The reconstructive objectivist Illegality complements limitation and contradiction between objectivist and subjective Illegality in judicial practices where the formal rationality determines jurally countries’ insistence of criminal lawbreaking. http://
【Key words】Criminal Illegality; Formal Illegality; Material Illegality; Subjective Illegality ;Objectivist Illegality ; http://