[摘要]法律解释是法理学中的基本概念,法律解释有两种基本的模式:一种称为决定论,客观主义,一种称为非决定论,主观主义, 在法律解释中,到底哪一种好?恐怕一大堆理论都说明不了具体的问题,本文将尝试把这两种理论放入中国的现实,也就是探讨中国的司法实践中,哪方面的理论更贴近我们的实际,能取得相对更好的效果。
[关键字] 法律解释 客观主义 主观主义 整体性 超越
Abstract: "Legal interpretation" is the basic concept of jurisprudence. There are two modes of legal interpretation: one is determinism or objectivism, the other one is non-determinism or subjectivism. Which one is better in legal interpretation? We can not answer this specific question by tremendous theories. In this article, the author tries to put these two theories into the reality of china, that is to discuss in the legal practices in china, which theory is closer to the facts and which one has better effects. The “Legal Interpretation” been referred in this article is not the generalized “Legal Interpretation”, but limited to legal organ or the “Legal Interpretation” given by judge. The objectivity been referred in this article, refers to the answer of “Legal Interpretation” is included in laws that is to say, the court bases on the regulates in the law to affirm the rights and the obligations in the law, but not to create new rights and obligations.
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