[摘 要]和谐文化意味着一种权利配置适当、协调有序的社会状态。在当代中国社会,“和谐文化”作为法律价值体系的一个组成部分进入人们的视野,其精神旨趣在于改变以往偏重效率、弱化公平的法律价值论思想,坚守以人为本的法律价值理念,同时改变传统的人类中心主义发展观,并以此为契机重组我国法律价值体系的构成要素,实现我国法学理论研究中法律价值体系某种程度的更新与演进。
Abstract:A harmonious culture means a social condition of order and proper right distribution. In the contemporary Chinese society,harmonious culture enters our view as a part of jurisprudential value system. This culture,in light of humanism,aims to rectify the partiality on efficiency and weakening of justice in the past and change the traditional man-centered development view so as to reconstruct China’s jurisprudential value system and to certain degree,realize the renewal and evolution of the value system in Chinese jurisprudence.
Key words:harmonious culture;jurisprudential value system;man-centered