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2018-2019英语周报English Weekly高考综合第1-4期参考答案在线浏览









Rank: 1

发表于 2019-9-16 09:02:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Book 1 Units 1-2参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CBBCB16-20 AABAC
21-25 CDADB26-30 CACAB
31-35 CACBD36-40 GDBFC
41-45 BACCA46-50 DBDCB
51-55 ADABD56-60 ACBCD
61. that / which62. to buy
63. natural64. sending
65. were overcome66. trapped
67. as68. fortunately
69. with70. millions
71. ... by my own ... by → on
72. ... there were something ...were → was
73. ... too flat that ... too → so
74. ... stopped help me ...help前加to
75. ... many interested things ...
interested → interesting
76. ... had been experienced. 去掉been
77. ... offer to give ...  offer → offered78. They all moved ... all → both 或去掉all79. ... couldn't help say ...say → saying
80. I in turns ... turns → turn
One possible version:
Dear Jack,
I'm Li Hua from Class One, Grade Three. Having learned that you are hoping to find a host family, I'm writing to recommend mine for the following reasons.
Firstly, I'm good at both spoken and written English, so there will be no language barrier in our communication. Secondly, all my families are enthusiastic and warm-hearted. We are more than happy to introduce Chinese culture and some tasty food to you. Last but not least, my home is close to our school and a neighborhood center, which will be very convenient for you.
I sincerely hope you will choose my family and have a great time in China. I'm looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Book 1 Units 3-4参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CAABA16-20 CACAB
21-25 BADCC26-30 BDACB
31-35 CACAD36-40 GCADB
41-45 BADBA46-50 CBCAC
51-55 DBDDA56-60 ABCCD
61. who 62. started
63. collecting64. getting
65. were bought66. in
67. it 68. selfless
69. really70. to help
71. ... much money buy ... buy → buying
72. ... has ordered online.  has → had
73. ... felt extreme happy ...
extreme → extremely
74. ... look handsome in them. them → it
75. ... disappointed and angrily.
angrily → angry
76. ... as describing online.
describing → described
77. ... got in touch of ... of → with
78. ... free of the charge.  去掉the
79. ... agreed change the coat ...
80. ... from now on.      now → then
One possible version:
Dear Susan,
I am sorry to say that I cannot attend the Chinese paper-cutting show in the Folk Art Museum on Sunday morning as I promised. I am writing to express my sincere apology to you.
The reason why I will not be available is that my uncle is coming from America on Sunday morning. So my family are going to the airport to meet him, then we will have a family dinner together. I think we can enjoy the show on Sunday afternoon if it is convenient for you. I hope this change will not bring too much trouble to you.
I'm looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Book 1 Unit 5 & Book 2 Unit 1参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CBBCB16-20 ABCCA
21-25 ADACA26-30 BADCA
31-35 BDAAD36-40 CGEFA
41-45 BACCA46-50 DBDCB
51-55 ADABD56-60 ACBCD
61. has obtained62. to stop
63. for64. who / that
65. completely66. amazing
67. him 68. if / whether
69. effects70. recognizing
71. ... I paid visit to ... paid后加a
72. To our surprises ... surprises → surprise73. ... as wide as that ... that → those
74. ... were always crowding ...
crowding → crowded
75. ... when we were asked ... 去掉were
76. We take many photos ...take → took
77. ... shared it in our blog. it → them
78. ... for much things ... much → many
79. ... say goodbye for ...  for → to
80. We hope to going ...  going → go
One possible version:
Dear Lily,
I am sorry to hear that you are on a diet to lose weight. As we all know, it is important to have a balanced diet including grain, fruit and vegetables. When you are on a diet, you don't have enough energy to support your body. Now I'd like to offer you some advice.
First of all, you should have your meals on time instead of eating snacks. Second, it is a good idea to take enough physical exercise every day, which will help you to lose weight and stay energetic.
I hope you will find my advice useful.
Li Hua
Book 2 Units 2-3参考答案及部分解析
11-15 BAABC 16-20 BBABC
21-25 CBBBA26-30 AADBD
31-35 ACADC36-40 CGDFE
41-45 DCBCD46-50 ABABC
51-55 DDACD56-60 BCABA
61. types62. speaking
63. it64. filled
65. constantly66. a
67. to have68. her
69. is70. of
71. ... Speech Contest held ...
72. ... watch a contest. a → the
73. ... and last ...   last → lasted
74. ... well on their speeches.on → in
75. ... was interested and attractive.
interested → interesting
76. ... was extreme skillful.
extreme → extremely
77. ... and but she also used ... 去掉and
78. ... funny story ...  story → stories
79. This was clear ...  This → It
80. ... comes to hard work. to → from
One possible version:
An English Drama Competition will be held in our school on the afternoon of August 10, Friday. Anyone who is interested is welcome to participate. It is a great opportunity to put your talent to good use. You can act out a short play either by yourself or with your partners. It is desired that you should act out one scene of a classic drama within fifteen minutes. Please sign up at Room 106 of the Teaching Building by August 3. Some English teachers and foreign experts will be invited to be the judges. The winners will be announced on the spot. Please join us and have fun acting!
July 27, 2018
Student Council
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