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发表于 2019-9-16 09:02:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Book 3 Unit 5 & Book 4 Unit 1参考答案及部分解析
11-15 ABBCA16-20 AACBA
21-25 ACCBD26-30 BBACD
31-35 BAABA36-40 ECFDA
41-45 BACCA46-50 DBDCB
51-55 DDABD56-60 ACBCD
61. to learn62. in
63. working64. himself
65. entered66. named
67. books68. an
69. was called70. what
71. ... is very difference from ...
difference → different
72. ... her family did it ...did → do
73. ... much other campers ...much → many
74. ... usual camp alone ...usual → usually
75. ... tools used in ...in → for
76. We go relax ...go后加to
77. ... all the rubbishes ...
rubbishes → rubbish
78. ... the falling trees.falling → fallen
79. ... just a fun ...去掉a
80. ... it's our job. our → their
One possible version:
Dear Mr. Smith,
As you know, an English Speech Contest is to be held in our school next month. I am planning to sign up for it. However, I've never taken part in any speech contest, so I'm writing to ask for your help.
I know you're working to a very tight schedule, but you do very well in making a speech. So would you please tell me what I can do to make my speech more impressive? Could you check my speech when I have finished writing it? I'd appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience.
Li Hua
Book 4 Units 2-3参考答案及部分解析
11-15 ACCBC16-20 ABCAB
21-25 CDBBC26-30 ADDAC
31-35 BCBCA36-40 AECGF
41-45 ACDCB46-50 BDADB
51-55 DCACD56-60 ABCBA
61. to determine62. Performed
63. fifth64. to
65. participating66. more active
67. enjoyable68. it
69. a70. exists
71. ... a secret wish what ... what → that72. ... many artists friends ... artists → artist73. ... creating great art take ...  take → takes74. ... which art appears ...which → whose
75. ... worked as an artist ... worked前加has76. ... because of she always ... 去掉of
77. ... wants to improving.
improving → improve
78. ... how hardly she works ...
hardly → hard
79. ... broken down into step.  step → steps80. ... made cartooning seems ...
seems → seem
One possible version:
Dear Cindy,
We are happy to know your birthday is approaching and we'd like to hold a birthday party for you. The detailed information is as follows.
The party will be held in the Sunshine Hotel on Garden Road at 6:30 pm next Sunday, which is a ten-minute walk from our school. Six classmates of mine and two English teachers will take part in it. At the party, we will make a short speech, thanking you for your hard work here, and then we will have dinner, followed by singing, dancing and playing games. We have also prepared some small gifts for you. I am sure we will have a lot of fun. We hope you'll have a nice birthday.
Li Hua
Book 4 Units 4-5参考答案及部分解析
11-15 AABCA16-20 BACAC
21-25 BBCAD26-30 BAADA
31-35 DDCAB36-40 CAEGF
41-45 BACCA46-50 DBDCB
51-55 DDABD56-60 ACBCD
61. that / which62. called
63. its64. to make
65. at66. longer
67. a68. trips
69. has gone70. how
71. ... snowfall makes ... makes → made
72. ... I took walk.    walk前加a
73. ... gray hairs!hairs → hair
74. Surely enough ...   Surely → Sure
75. ... make they look ... they → them
76. ... began to thinking ...
去掉to或thinking → think
77. ... describe that we ...that → what
78. ... a person which ... which → who / that79. ... cold and snow.  snow → snowy
80. ... a lot of fun play with ...
play → playing
One possible version:
From the picture, we can see the boy behave differently after the exams. He knocks at the door quietly when he gets 60 points, taps the door confidently when he gets 95 points and kicks the door hard when he gets 100 points.
The picture shows us both parents and children attach great importance to children's scores. The boy's different behaviors vividly reflect his attitude towards his scores.
Personally, I think it is wrong to focus so much on examination scores. Parents should care more about how children are getting along with their lessons and classmates. In this way, they can make sure children grow up healthily, successfully and happily.
Book 3 & Book 4 综合检测试题参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CACAB16-20 CACBB
21-25 CACDC26-30 ADBDB
31-35 ABABD36-40 CEBAG
41-45 DAACB46-50 DCBAB
51-55 DCACB56-60 ADDCB
61. has won62. as
63. the64. named
65. be seen66. designing
67. himself68. which
69. traditional70. announcement
71. ... gives us a quiz. gives → gave
72. ... difficulty to answering ...
去掉to或 to → in
73. ... is first name ...  first前加the或her74. Sure this was ...   Sure → Surely
75. ... cleaning woman several time ...
time → times
76. ... left the last question ... left → leaving77. ... asked that ...   that → if / whether78. All are specially ... specially → special79. ... your attend and care.
attend → attention
80. ... I've ever ... ever → never
One possible version:
Dear Henry,
There will be a garage sale on the morning of this Sunday in our school. I am writing to invite you to join us.
The activity is scheduled to last from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, when many students and teachers in our school will bring their used items and sell them. All the money will be collected and sent to the poor children in mountainous areas. You can bring something that is no longer useful to you and sell it. I am sure this is a good chance for you to meet new friends and have fun.
I would appreciate it if you could give me an early reply.
Li Hua
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