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发表于 2019-9-16 08:51:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1-5 CCBBC   6-10 CBCBC  
11-15 CACCA   16-20 CACCB
21-25 DBBCB  26-30 BCABC   
31-35 CBDDC   36-40GDEBF
41-45 BCADB  46-50CBADC  
51-55 DADBC  56-60DBACA
61. wasdelayed 62.covered 63. Feeling 64. for 65. a
66. toask 67. passes 68. but 69. eventually 70. happiness
71. … I start to …       start → started72. PreviousI went … Previous → Previously
73. Iam surprising …   surprising →surprised
74. … andthey want …  and → or
75. … dishespretty …   dishes后加are
76. … attheir last …    their → my
77. … tothinking that …  thinking → think
78. … withwhy active … why → how
79. … participatein to …  去掉to
80. … clubsorganize by … organize → organized
One possible version:
Hello, everyone. It’s a great honor for me to stand here and givemy speech on “Respecting the elderly”.
The first thing I want to say is thatthe elderly deserve our respect due to their efforts in bringing their childrenup and their contributions to society. If we don’t respect them, how can wecount on younger people to respect us when we grow old? Therefore, we shouldtry our best to take good care of them, helping them live their lives to thefullest.
Respecting the elderly is atraditional Chinese virtue. Let’s keep and develop that virtue together. Onlyin this way can we live in a more beautiful world.
Thank you for listening.
21. D。细节理解题。由Included部分的All necessarysnorkelling equipment可知,潜水设备会提供给旅行的参与者。
22. B。细节理解题。由Availability部分的All year at 09:00 and 15:00. Pick-up is one hour before可知,每天最早接旅客的时间是8点,故选B项。
23. B。细节理解题。由Requirements部分的the maximum ageis 65 years old可知,大裂缝潜水的参与者必须是66岁以下。
2. UNESCO:United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization 联合国教育﹑ 科学及文化组织3. ISK:冰岛的货币单位克朗
24. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的George Washington was sent into the Army as a very youngman和It gave him an opportunity to make aliving可知,乔治·华盛顿早年作为军人得以谋生。
25. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的The French claimed all land west of the mountains for NewFrance. This was bad news for the governor of Virginia, who wanted the sameland — at all costs. The governor of Virginia told 22-year-old George to givethe French a simple message: leave the region immediately, or get ready forbattle可推断,弗吉尼亚州的州长对法国人要将阿巴拉契亚山脉以西的所有土地据为己有的主张持坚决反对态度。
26. B。细节理解题。由第五段中的it was the only time in his life that he hadto surrender — at Fort Necessity可知,在这场战役中乔治·华盛顿失败了。
27. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的George’s outstanding leadership inspired his American troopswhen they were starving and cold, and hebecame known from the war as the greatest general可推断,乔治·华盛顿在美国独立战争中表现出的杰出的领导才能给美国民众留下了深刻的印象。
the Appalachians (Para. 3):阿巴拉契亚山脉位于美国东部,是北美洲东部众多山脉的统称,又称为阿巴拉契亚高地或阿巴拉契亚山系。从加拿大的纽芬兰和拉布拉多起绵亘于北美洲东部,向南至阿拉巴马州中部止,全长近3200千米,呈东北-西南走向。阿巴拉契亚山脉在东部沿海地带和大陆内部广袤的低地之间形成一道天然屏障,因而对大陆的殖民和开发起着至关重要的作用。英国最初的13个殖民地就建立在阿巴拉契亚山脉以东的北起新罕布什尔,南至乔治亚的狭长地带。
outnumber (Para. 5):be more in number than (sb.) 在数量上超过(某人)C篇
28. A。推理判断题。由第二段中的And kids are working on countless groupassignments. Even in subjects like math and creative writing, which you thinkwould depend on unaccompanied flights of thought, kids are now expected to actas committee members可推断,作者认为频繁举行的小组学习忽略了不同课程的学习特点,故作者对其持批评态度。
29. B。推理判断题。由第三段末的introverted leaders often deliver betteroutcomes than extroverts do, because when they are managing thoughtfulemployees, they’re much more likely to let those employees run with their ideas可知,内向的领导者更可能让有思想的员工试验他们的想法。可见,内向的领导者思想开明,能接受新的想法。
30. C。词义猜测题。由最后一段可知,一些伟大的领袖都是性格偏内向的人。他们虽然少言寡语,言语温和,甚至害羞,但是都做了了不起的事情,吸引了公众的关注,尽管他们骨子里并不想这样。故划线部分的意思是“得到了公众的关注”。
1. outsize (Para. 3):much larger than usual特大的2. soft-spoken (thelast paragraph): having a gentle and quiet voice 说话温和的D篇
32. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的which can constantly refill its power using thesun and travel a range of up to 800 km when fully juiced. That’s just thestart: The company claims that in sunny environment (say, Hawaii), the Onecould potentially drive for months at a time between charges可知,最影响这款车的最大续航里程的因素是天气。在阳光充足的环境下,该车可以开好几个月而不需要通过插座充电。
33. D。篇章结构题。划线词指代上文的The solar power collected by the car’s panels couldbe used to power more than just the One itself, allowing owners to transfer theenergy into their homes, devices, and even other electric cars,即这款车收集的太阳能不仅可以给该车本身充电,而且可以给车主的家里、装置、甚至是其他的电动车充电。可见,这款车相当于一个可移动的电能共享系统,这是一个很好的创意。故D项正确。
34. D。推理判断题。由第五段中的Lightyear’s founders aren’t new to the solar carscene … The company was started by five former members of Solar Team Eindhoven,the group that created the four-seat, solar-powered car Stella, which hit theUS streets back in 2014可知,介绍斯特拉太阳能车是为了说明the One的发明者们的相关工作背景。
35. C。推理判断题。由第四段中的It’s not exactly clearhow the small company plans on producing its groundbreaking vehicles … somevague language … don’t offer any specific names以及第五段中的slightly more believable和最后一段中的Lightyearstill has to prove it can transfer its experimental tech into a fully realizedconsumer experience可知,作者对the One这款车是否真如Lightyear公司宣称的那样出色持怀疑态度。
Stella (Para. 5):斯特拉,一款由荷兰埃因霍温科技大学的研究团队发布的家用太阳能电动车。这款太阳能电动车在充满电的情况下,晴天里理论上最大可行驶672公里,而在阴天时依靠电池存储的能力可以行驶402公里左右。
wrinkle(Para. 3): a useful piece of information or advice 好主意,好点子第二节
36. G。G项是小标题Stand tall withyour shoulders back and feet apart的详细说明,且与空格后的Good posture相呼应。
37. D。由下文的pay attention tohow much you open your mouth和Your mouth should be open much wider以及bring your tonguetowards the front of your mouth so the tip is near your bottom teeth可知,本段主要是讲要张大嘴,把舌头向前伸。D项很好地概括了本段的主要意思。
38. E。E项与本段主题句即首句中的sing within arange that’s comfortable for you相呼应。
39. B。空格前两句Comfortablyrelease the air as you sing. Don’t push it out forcefully or wait until youfeel like you’re going to run out of air before breathing again都是讲呼吸方法。B项符合语境。
40. F。空格后的the words指代F项中的whichwords you want to really emphasize,即想要强调的词。
1. comfort range (Para. 4): 舒适的范围
2. energize (the last paragraph): To give energy to (someone or something) 供给……能量
本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了Sanford Greenberg在大学期间丧失了视力,但在室友Arthur Garfunkel的帮助下不仅功课优秀而且学会了独立。
41. B。由a lucky guy;poor kid和on a full scholarship可知,Sanford Greenberg是一个穷孩子,但非常幸运地被哥伦比亚大学“录取(admitted)”且获得了全额奖学金。
42. C。由下段中的Garfunkel and two otherroommates可知,Arthur Garfunkel是Greenberg的“室友(roommate)”。
43. A。由he was going blind可知,他的“运气(fortune)”改变了。
44. D。眼睛看不见后,Greenberg感到非常“难过(upset)”,拒绝见大学里的任何人。
45. B。46. C。由下段中的Greenberg returned tocampus. Garfunkel and other two roommates read textbooks to him可知,Garfunkel“劝说(persuaded)”Greenberg返回学校并主动提出做他的“朗读者(reader)”。
47. B。由末段中的Greenberg got his doctor’sdegree from Harvard可知,Greenberg的学业非常优秀,故此处指的是他“最终(ended up)”成绩全优。
48. A。上文提到Greenberg功课优秀,本句提到他害怕单独活动,故这两句话是转折关系,应选Still(然而)。
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