新视野大学英语_视听说教程_第二版_4 课后答案
enjoy your feelings! II C B D AD l Listening In Task 1 what a clumsy man! Keys: A C D C B Task 2 causes of depression Keys: (1)families (2)chemicals(3)information (4) certain (5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood(8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxiety Task 3 happiness index Keys: B D A A C l Let’s Talk Keys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5)fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12)comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17)growing (18) learn l Further Listening and Speaking Task 1: Big John is coming!