[英文标题]The Administrative Emergency Power in Judicial Review: “Steel SEizure Case” for Example [内容提要]2004年的宪法修正案通过后,中国的紧急状态立法正在逐步进行之中,对于国家紧急权力,尤其是行政紧急权力的法律规制,需要进行深入的理论研究。美国联邦最高法院在对行政紧急权力进行司法审查时形成了一些具有代表性的判例,如“钢铁公司占领案”。对该案中法院判决意见的分析可以作为健全中国紧急状态法治的借鉴和参考。 [摘 要 题]理论探讨 http://
[英文摘要]Abstract: After the pass of the Amendments of the Constitution in 2004, China begins the legislation of emergency conditions. The legal control to the state emergency power, especially the administrative emergency power, needs to be theoretically studied. The Federal Supreme Court of United States decided several typical cases when it reviewed the administrative emergency power,for example “Steel SEIzure Case”。 There is much in the analysis of the court decision we can draw experience to perfect Chinese law system of emergency conditions. http://