关键词:修宪权,修宪提案权,修宪程序 http://
Abstract: The act of proposition is prior to the act of ratification in the constitutional amendment process. The scope of the amending power is more or less subjected to the amendment-proposing power which is the basis of the amending power. So the study of the constitutional amendment process and amending power is inseparable from the further study of the amendment-proposing power. By analyzing the article 64 of Chinese constitution and article V of U.S. constitution, this paper discusses the nature of the legal relation between the proposing body and the ratifying body, and the question of timing of proposition, the time limit of ratification and the rescindment of proposition. This paper also inquires into some other questions about the operation of the amendment-proposing power of Chinese constitution.
Key Words: Amending Power Amendment-Proposing Power Constitutional Amendment Process http://
一、导言 http://
在某种意义上,宪法的修改可以大致分为提案与批准两个阶段。在实在法上,各国宪法并没有规定一个笼统的“修宪权”,也没有把它赋予某个单一的主体。相反,各国宪法大都分别规定了修宪提案和对提案的批准,并为它们确立了不同的主体。[1]从程序上看,先有修宪提案,而后才有对提案的批准。在这个意义上,修宪提案权的行使对于宪法修改而言似乎更为重要:正是修宪提案权决定了宪法修改的大致范围并进而奠定了修宪权的基础。因此,对宪法修改以及修宪权的研究,离不开对于修宪提案权的进一步探讨。这是研究修宪提案权的理论意义之所在。同时,各国宪法实践也就修宪提案权提出了一系列的问题,主要有:修宪提案一经提出,在未获有效批准之前是否永不消灭?[2]提案机关能否撤回修宪提案?[3]一个提案机关能否对另一提案机关的修宪提案再提出修正?[4]等等。这些问题的存在显示了研究修宪提案权之实践意义。 http://