摘 要:与最高人民法院1997年出台的《关于司法解释工作的若干规定》相比,于2007年4月1日起施行的新规则无论在形式体例上还是在具体内容方面均有新的发展:新规则的制定依据有所扩充,从而凸显了依法行使司法解释权的应有宗旨;突出强调了协商一致,为“两高”共同制定司法解释的工作提供了制度雏形;扩大了司法解释的立项来源,拓展了司法解释正当化的社会基础;但新规则也仍然存在一些问题:最高人民法院自己规定其司法解释“具有法律效力”显然是一种“过于自大”的失当宣示;对于司法解释工作的监督机制似乎仅具形式意义。
关键词: 司法解释;审判解释;解释规则
Abstract:Compared with the “97 Rules” of the Supreme People’s Court, the new Rules taking effect on April 1, 2007 prove to have been well improved either in style or in contents. The new Rules highlight the exercise of interpretation power under law, stress consensus reached by way of consultations and lay a solid foundation for the cooperation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Highest People’s Execution in judicial interpretation. The Rules extend the sources of judicial interpretation, strengthen the social foundation for justifying judicial interpretation, specify the procedure, and increase the formality so as to meet the strict standardized demand of judicial interpretation. Meanwhile, the new Rules still have some problems: that fact that the Supreme People’s Court itself declares that its judicial interpretation “has legal force” is obviously a little bit “too arrogant.” Supervision of the interpretation seems to exist only on paper. The applicable scope of judicial interpretation needs to be demarcated accurately, or it is hard to control in judicial practice.
Key Words: judicial interpretation; trial interpretation; interpretation rules