Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th EditionCharles Kittel
CHAPTER 1: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE. Periodic Array of Atoms. Fundamental Types of Lattices. Index System for Crystal Planes. Simple Crystal Structures. Direct Imaging of Atomic Structure. Nonideal Crystal Structures. Crystal Structure Data.
CHAPTER 2: WAVE DIFFRACTION AND THE RECIPROCAL LATTICE. Diffraction of Waves by Crystals.Scattered Wave Amplitude. Brillouin Zones. Fourier Analysis of the Basis.
CHAPTER 3: CRYSTAL BINDING AND ELASTIC CONSTANTS. Crystals of Inert Gases. Ionic Crystals. Covalent Crystals. Metals. Hydrogen Bonds. Atomic Radii. Analysis of Elastic Strains.
Elastic Compliance and Stiffness Constants. Elastic Waves in Cubic Crystals.
CHAPTER 4: PHONONS I. CRYSTAL VIBRATIONS. Vibrations of Crystals with Monatomic Basis. Two Atoms per Primitive Basis. Quantization of Elastic Waves. Phonon Momentum. Inelastic Scattering by Phonons.
CHAPTER 5: PHONONS II. THERMAL PROPERTIES. Phonon Heat Capacity. Anharmonic Crystal Interactions. Thermal Conductivity.
CHAPTER 6: FREE ELECTRON FERMI GAS. Energy Levels in One Dimension.
Effect of Temperature on the Fermi-Dirac Distribution. Free Electron Gas in Three Dimensions. Heat Capacity of the Electron Gas.