投资学 第8版 英文 (博迪 凯恩 马库斯 著)课后习题答案 机械工业出版社
1. Technical analysis can generally be viewed as a search for trends or patterns in market
prices. Technical analysts tend to view these trends as momentum, or gradual
adjustments to „correct‟ prices, or, alternatively, reversals of trends. A number of the behavioral biases discussed in the chapter might contribute to such trends and patterns. For example, a conservatism bias might contribute to a trend in prices as investors gradually take new information in to account, resulting in gradual adjustment of prices towards their fundamental values. Another example derives from the concept of
representativeness, which leads investors to inappropriately conclude, on the basis of a small sample of data, that a pattern has been established that will continue well in to the future. When investors subsequently become aware of the fact that prices have overreacted, corrections reverse the initial erroneous trend.
2. Even if many investors exhibit behavioral biases, security prices might still be set
efficiently if the actions of arbitrageurs move prices to their intrinsic values.
Arbitrageurs who observe mispricing in the securities markets would buy underpriced securities (or possibly sell short overpriced securities) in order to profit from the
anticipated subsequent changes as prices move to their intrinsic values. Consequently, securities prices would still exhibit the characteristics of an efficient market.
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