指导教师:宋玉波 教授作 者:段明学
---- [美]托马斯·杰斐逊
内 容 提 要
全文共分四个部分。第一部分,政治竞争基本理论研究。主要探讨了政治竞争的内涵、基本特征,关于政治竞争的学说,政治竞争的作用等基本理论问题。第二部分,西方政治竞争透视。本部分客观地论述了西方政治竞争产生的历史条件,政治竞争的表现形式,西方政治竞争的本质、特色及影响等内容。第三部分,中国政治竞争的历史考察。对20世纪中国政治竞争从初步建立到消亡的历史及其成败原因作了一个理性的分析。第四部分,政治竞争:中国政治民主化的未来。主要探讨了政治竞争与中国民主政治的关系,中国实行政治竞争,走向政治民主化的现实对策及其措施。 思想汇报 http:///sixianghuibao/
The political competition is a primary symbol of modern democratic politics. However, it has long been associated with capitalism, which in turn discourages us to study the subject or we may just disdain to study it .Actually, political competition as well as market economy does not connote class distinctions ,instead, it serves whoever making use it. It has become a compelling task for political studies by the twist of China’s political system to make a closer study of the political competition.
The following article consists of four parts. Part one studies the primary theories of political competition, in which the connotation of political competition and its main features, its principal theories and functions are discussed. Part two deals with western political competition, in which its historical background, the way it displays itself, its nature, characters and influences will be observed. Part three studies, with a historical perspective, the political competition in china, in which a rational analysis of past experience and why it rose and fell will be studies. The last but no t the least part intends to suggest that the political democratization in china depends much on political competition. In this part, much attention is focused on the relationship between political competition and democratic politics in china and on the compelling situation that china copes with on its way to political democratization. 思想汇报 http:///sixianghuibao/
The article combines theory and practice as well as history and reality .It aims to provide a new theoretical point of view for the political development of china through the detailed analysis.
目 录
前言 1
第一部分 政治竞争一般理论 3
一、政治竞争的内涵、特征 3
(一)政治竞争的涵义 3
(二)政治竞争的主要特征 5
二、关于政治竞争的学说 9
(一)熊彼特的竞争领导权理论 10
(二)萨托利的竞争――反馈理论 12
(三)戴蒙德对竞争学说的进一步修正 12
三、政治竞争的作用 14
(一)维持政治权威的合法性 15
(二)防止腐败,确保政治权力良性运行 16
(三)塑造均衡的政治秩序,维持政治稳定 17
(四)扩大政治参与,提高民主程度 18
(五)推动政策创新,适应社会变迁 19
(六)维护人权,实现人的全面发展 20
第二部分 西方政治竞争透视 23
一、政治竞争产生的历史条件 23
(一)经济因素 23
(二)政治因素 24
(三)文化因素 25
二、西方政治竞争的表现形式 27
(一)政党之间的竞争 27
(二)政党内部的竞争 32 作文 http:///zuowen/
(三)利益集团、智囊团与政治竞争 34
三、西方政治竞争的本质、特色及影响 36