Abstract:As the only trial of implementing the overall urban and rural development, Chongqing has encountered both great challenges and opportunities. The essence of this task is the transformation from the dual urban and rural economic structure to a modern social one, focusing on the balanced distribution of urban and rural resources, in which the key is the system innovation and industrial development. The good use of precursory effect of commerce circulation industries and the optimal distribution of population, elements and products led by the balancing development of urban and rural commerce will be helpful to promote the balanced market system. The lasting increase in economy, the transfer between domestic and international industries, the upgrading of consumption, and the improvement on external environment of rural market providea extremely beneficial external environment to the balanced urban and rural development of commerce and trade in Chongqing. The trial makes it possible carry out reforms and innovation for system, mechanism and development model. While a series of factors , such as the economic and social transformation, the shortage of need, the more fierce competition in and abroad, the imbalance of regional development, the widened difference of income level between urban and rural regions, the shortage of commercial basis in rural regions, the mechanical obstacle of circulation , may bring some more rigorous challenges and threats .
Key words: overall urban and rural commerce and trade planning;trial;Chongqing;opportunity;challenge
长期以来,我国城乡发展不协调问题十分突出,严峻的“三农”问题、全面建设小康社会的目标,使统筹城乡发展成为新时期我国社会经济发展的重大任务。2007年6月,中央批准重庆作为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,目的是在重庆这样一个具有中等省构架和欠发达省特征的直辖市,探索统筹城乡发展之路,为全国统筹城乡发展寻求突破。 8月,商务部同意重庆作为城乡商贸统筹发展试点区,希望通过重庆的先行先试,实现重点突破,形成机制,促进发展,示范带动。重庆城乡商贸统筹发展试点,对于全国商贸流通改革发展,对于探索全国特别是西部地区城乡商贸统筹发展之路,具有全局和典型意义。
改革开放以来,中国广东深圳、上海浦东、天津滨海三大经济改革试验区都在东部沿海地区,带动了东部沿海地区的快速发展。中西部地区是中国相对不发达地区,在中西部选择具有重大影响和带动作用的特大中心城市设立国家统筹城乡发展综合配套改革试验区,对重大政策措施先行试点,是加快建立改变城乡二元结构体制机制的需要,是探索建立构建和谐社会体制的需要,也是探索中西部地区发展模式的需要。重庆是中国西部唯一的直辖市,典型的大城市带大农村,比较发达的城市与特别落后的农村并存。全市人口3 100万,三分之二在农村。突出的城乡二元结构,是我国基本国情的缩影。重庆集合和叠加了我国东北现象与西部现象,具有与我国很多地区尤其是中西部省区相似的基本特点,再加上大库区,又处内陆腹地,城乡统筹发展特别具有代表性。在重庆进行统筹城乡综合改革试验,开展体制机制方面的探索和改革,对全国特别是中西部地区统筹城乡发展具有典型意义和明显的示范带动效应。